Square Foot Gardening Thread

Absolutely love it!! And I like how you did your potatoes I'm going to work on mine later today (if the rain stops) and box it in with some leftover wood I like how that looks and I can keep adding mulch and compost as it needs it. Lovely garden!
I had written that I had gotten 96 concrete blocks to build four 4 x 4 raised beds. Here are two sketches that I quickly drew. Does anyone have an opinion , preference with one over the other, and why? I need to get this built QUICKLY, so I can get my 'mator, zucchini and cucumber plants in.


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Both designs look equally effective to me.Let's get CRACKIN'! Times a wastin'! (just kidding-you said you needed to hurry) But seriously,do you have a helper? You are about to get a WORK-OUT! That's a LOT of blocks.Just think how tired you'll be after completion!Tired but SATISFIED. Gardening is so REWARDING!To sit back and survey the completed garden as your body aches(in a GOOD way)is WAY COOL!Be sure to share pics with us all when you get it done so we can say "Well Done"(amid the sound of many back pats!)

Will you make this installation permanent(like with mortar?) or a DRY-STACK? Do the blocks interlock?Just curious.

I just noticed that I use perintheses(like this) WAY too much!
Not to worry. I'm not doing the hard work. I have a very bad back, that's why I'm doing the raised beds. My very DH is doing it for me. I asked him if he was going to use mortar. He's not sure what he's going to do.
I had to have nerves burnt on both sides of my back. It's the only thing that can be done with my problem. Only thing is, it only last about a year, maybe a little longer. I had the left side done last Feb., and the right side done 2 months ago. They did 2 nerves in my right side. I'm still in pain

edited to add: I think I'll probably go with design 2. That way it'll be easier to mow 'til I decide what I want to do with the paths.
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We used hot poo this year on our vegetales (tomatoes, jalepenos, green beans) as well as flower bed flowers... this was about 2 weeks ago and so far everything seems to be really flurishing.

I loved reading through this thread and seeing everyone's garden pictures. I will get out and take a picture of mine tomorrow. Today we pulled weeds and mulched the whole thing. It looks so nice~! Is it plausible to say that the plants look happy? LOL... I believe they are!
SOOOOO frustrated! It was supposed to be sunny today and tomorrow and it's cloudy and slightly rainy..... So wet I can't get my poor starts in the ground.
I know I live in Oregon but FOR REAL?!?!?!?
forecast for next week is ALL rain......
Side dress mine with hot poo, last week? Week before? Chemo-brain days run together, lol. But everything looks great here too. Peppers looking much better than they did. Has been HOT HOT here. Biggest thing is going to be how we do in the next few months on rain. Last year we had 88 straight days of 90+ and very little rain. We hadn't really recovered from the drought we had about 4 years ago. I got 2 tomatoes and the whole garden was toast by July 4th.
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Maybe if you blow really hard you can move some of it down to Cali, AZ, and NM. NM hasn't had rain for over 100days!!!

Yeah maybe we need to install some motors on these wind turbines and send those clouds your way! I feel like we haven't had sun in 100 days!

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