Square Foot Gardening Thread

I caught the evil little bugs trying to out flank me!!!! But I spotted them before the set up the fort, now they have been sprayed and squished to oblivion!! I had two days off spray squishing duty (wasn't home to do it) and they made resurgence.
I took yesterday off from the battle as well and I saw them come back today with anger in their eyes!

GAWD Don't say that!! I saw nothing in their today, but barely surviving squash. I hope they don't come back, the squash will be done for!!
I know its not square food gardening but had to share pics from my Hydrangeas while finally decided to bloom! I'd thought they'd never bloom, they're so slow flowering out this year...



Thought about trying this, but didn't have time to build the beds this year, so I did a traditional garden. I'm trying this next year.
I'm picking zucchini, yellow straight neck, and patty pan squash now. The butternut are putting on little squash finally and the pumpkin finally have some female flowers for the bees to pollinate.

I noticed squash bug eggs and one adult on a cuke vine in the big bed that has patty pan squash, cantaloup, watermelon and corn. Killed the bug and took the leaf off the vine and squished the eggs.
Have sprayed this bed with Pylori and SoapShield (organic approved) and so far it has worked.

The big bed of squash: had a big onslaught of squash bugs that were getting ahead of me so I used BT and Pylori and so far no bugs. Plants are 2.5 - 3 feet tall and thriving.

Planted four 20 foot rows of Bodacious corn this year and am beginning to harvest ears now...took 24 today. I had to hand pollinate the silks because of the hot winds and am pleased with the kernal count on the majority of the ears. Didn't do the second spray of Pylori and Soapshield so I did have a few corn worms in the tips of several ears. The chickens were happy though.
Wow, sweet corn fresh from the field ...

Haven't had that in 5 years ...

I used to eat it raw as a treat back in WI, but it had to be the super sweet and still warm from the sun.
It's a trick I learned from my uncle, I always got the first sweet corn of the season that way.
Hey you gardeners out there, any idea what would cut the tops off of my onions.
Yesterday, the onions were 4" tall, now they are all cut off alittle above the ground. (all 6 of them)

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