Squatting when I pet them. What does that mean?

Seriously, I LOVE this site!

So I sent my friend a message earlier, that one of my 11 hens just simply dropped to the ground and hunched her wings and I had NO idea what on earth was going on. Seriously...my girls LOVE me for treats, but if I wanna cuddle, I have to work for it. Nope, not tonight - TWICE!

They are almost 18 weeks old (give or take a few days). This thread is SO much fun, and I am hoping for eggs SOON!!!

I think I just got my first squat a few minutes ago! I went to pet one and she sat down. When I started petting she arched her back pointing her butt at me. Does this mean I'll be getting an egg from her soon?!
All my hens squat, but I only get on average 3 eggs a day out of 11 hens

My two sebright hens are my best layers

I wish I knew which hens were actually laying as I have a lot of youngens that will be able to take over the egg laying role in the future and I'll have to rehome my non-laying girls
I'm so glad I came across this thread! I have 6 birds, only 2 so far are laying. My leghorn has been doing the squat thing, I got the impression that she was uncomfortable, gritting her beak and just waiting for the petting to be over with! Our other layer, a Buff Orpington doesn't do it though, safe to say she still hates us!
All my hens squat, but I only get on average 3 eggs a day out of 11 hens

My two sebright hens are my best layers

I wish I knew which hens were actually laying as I have a lot of youngens that will be able to take over the egg laying role in the future and I'll have to rehome my non-laying girls
I spend a good bit of time going back and forth from the house to the coop, so I see my girls laying all the time. I am fortunate to know who lays what eggs, which has been fun!

Why rehome your older girls that have stopped laying? I say just let them live out their lives with you :)
I would let them live their lives out with me if I had the room. They are no hassle, I just have a lot of chickens coming along that will be my future layers

I think I will just have to convert my shed back into a chook house (it used to be a bird aviary)
How cute, lol. I didn't think of me as the roo but thats funny. The one that started laying was the one who was very skiddish of me of the 6 older girls. Now she doesn't run away when I pet her. I wasn't sure if it was because of the laying or just getting used to me. How cute. Hope they will all become that nice. I'm tired of going in the run and getting my legs pecked at. It can hurt, lol. Oh I'm just so excited to get more eggs. It's kind of like Pringles, can't have just one! I need more now a day. My hubby thinks I'm nuts, hehehe
LOL about the hens pecking your leg... I just said to my husband - Remind me not to wear thongs ( or flip Flops)into the chook house... they kept trying to eat my toes and it does hurt LOL

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