Squatting when I pet them. What does that mean?

The first time one of our silkies squatted my son was overjoyed!! He just loved the fact that we could actually catch them
The other morning I went out to feed the girls. I put a dish of wet mash into the run by lifting up the hinged half of the roof. When I reached down, all three hens FROZE right where they were and SQUATTED in what looked like identical, wings-out, deer-in-the-headlights terror!

Poor girls. No roo for them. I did give 'em a nice pat on the back though. And then food.
So will they continue to do this forever now? I'd love it because they are more friendly now. I wasn't expecting this change in behavior but I can see it'll be nice. I have a silver laced wyndatte sp? that is only 14 weeks but is sooooo skiddish, much more then any of the others. I hope she does this too.
What a HOOT! The things I learn on here. Now that I think about it (my girls started laying 5 days ago and today) they have started to squat when I approach them and do allow me to pet them more easily. It's all coming together....hmm. I am learning. Not sure about the being sexy part though! Pretty sure my 20 year old son will not be amused.
One of my current hens, a frizzle cochin is very submissive and lets me pet her all the time. She squats when I pet her and I never ever have to chase her to pick her up, just reach down and very casually pick her up. She is very sweet, cute, loves her food and only acts like a little "PITA" to our two youngest hens.
It's actually the one in my avatar.
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Of my six I have two Rhodies that are really maturing. They are 17 weeks old and their comb/wattles are in full and red. Since they came in I have noticed them becoming much more friendly. One of them just comes and stands by me and tonight she sat on my lap for about ten minutes and preened herself. I think she was trying to be sexy! LOL. She never used to do this stuff. She was very skittish. It's cute. No squats yet though. I've heard of some people who will give their girls a pat on the bum when they do the squat and they will happily walk off. Apparently when a roo mates a hen (other than his pecking her back etc.) there is little more than a bump of their cloacas. When I was a teenager we used to call it 'bumping uglies'!
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