Squirrels Problem!


Jul 25, 2016
Squirrels are eating my baby lettuce that I just planted. Is there a why to deter them from the garden?
I use a mix of garlic and Jalapenos in the blender with water. I will add a drop of soap to help it spread and a little oil to make it stick. Sometimes I add cayenne. On eggplant and tomatoes, it usually wears off before we harvest. Try putting out some water for the squirrels. Sometimes squirrels eat our veggies to get water, when no other source is available.
The squirrels are going to come on the lettuce. The pepper spray can work for this to keep them away from the lettuce.
Let me tell you. When I was growing up my father would trap them using a humane trap and then he would tell us kids he was taking them to the mountains to live. Found out later he was euthanizing them with the car exhaust... :(

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