St. John's Wort

Curcumin by itself is dangerous and can cause liver failure within a month. When taken in its natural spectrum (as part of turmeric) it's actually rejuvenating for the liver and used to heal some medical issues. If you're giving turmeric you can continue it for the rest of her life or stop giving it anytime you feel like it. If you're giving curcumin best to stop I reckon since it's only meant to be had in low dosage for the short term.

Best wishes.
Is giving the st John's wart from capsule mixed in scrambled egg ok? My chickens will not drink in water. They refuse to open their mouths and shake their heads to get it off their beaks but will eat it from capsule mixed in scrambled eggs.
I have been giving my sassifrass St. John's wart from capsule as dried herb because she wont take it diluted. I sprinkle on her scrambled eggs and she goes to town on it. I'm also giving her cut up dried cranberries because they believe that's what the ancient jungle fowl ate when ill to boost immunity. She loves the cranberries! There's a slight improvement.
Couple of years ago there was a study on mice. They caused injury that caused paralysis in all of them. They gave half blue dye in IV and nothing to the other half. An hour later the ones that received the blue dye were up and walking with a limp but walking. The other half remained paralysed.
So before reading this thread I lost two 6 month old cockrels that I had just purchased in October. Both started dropping right wing and falling forward with steps. Then when I read this thread another 8 month old pullet went down the same way. I started using St john's wart, garlic, and cranberries. She had days that I thought were significantly improved but then she still had horrible days and progressively got worse. Almost 2 weeks ago on Sunday I found a 2 month old pullet the same way with right wing down and falling forward when she tried to walk. By Tuesday she didnt even try to walk. I knew she was going to go down the same as the others and felt I had nothing to lose so I mixed up olive oil, St john's wart, dmso, and liquid zantac and gave it to her internally daily. She is holding herself up like all the others now and only walks with a limp. She does keep picking her right foot up and looking at it. She even runs out to greet me when I feed them.
So before reading this thread I lost two 6 month old cockrels that I had just purchased in October. Both started dropping right wing and falling forward with steps. Then when I read this thread another 8 month old pullet went down the same way. I started using St john's wart, garlic, and cranberries. She had days that I thought were significantly improved but then she still had horrible days and progressively got worse. Almost 2 weeks ago on Sunday I found a 2 month old pullet the same way with right wing down and falling forward when she tried to walk. By Tuesday she didnt even try to walk. I knew she was going to go down the same as the others and felt I had nothing to lose so I mixed up olive oil, St john's wart, dmso, and liquid zantac and gave it to her internally daily. She is holding herself up like all the others now and only walks with a limp. She does keep picking her right foot up and looking at it. She even runs out to greet me when I feed them.

Sorry for the late response, I've been quite busy. I've heard good things about DMSO, going to get some to try it for a few issues. Nothing even related to chickens, but makes sense it ought to work for similar problems in them too, based on what I've read on it.

Best wishes.
Thank god for 'CrazyTalk'. If you believe in Homeopathy you are essentially rejecting science and logic in favour of a 'belief-system'. Sadly this kind of virus is devastating but there are many cases of 'regression to the mean' (ie survival and resistance). Please don't confuse correlation with cause!
As for 'cures' for Mareks, the search goes on.

Additionally, someone earlier in the thread accused the medical industry of being purely run for profit. That kind of conspiracy theory is disappointing. Medical research evaluates and evolves based on the best evidence at any given time. Those solutions that ''perform' through extensive double-blind trials over a course of time become mainstream recognised medicine. The ones that don't become 'alternative medicine'.

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