Stall Dry, my new best friend...

Yes, it's the same stuff, just not the stuff that you can mix with people food to prevent bugs. I called them and talked to them about whether it's non toxic, and they said yes. I asked them what would happen if my kid ate some, and they said nothing. So I used it, and it works great! Feel lucky your feed store knew it was DE, cause mine didn't and sent me on a wild goose chase before I read the contents and figured it out on my own LOL!
I have never heard of it but will surely try it if I can find it. I already sent a text to dh to have him check TSC. We can use this in our horse stalls, goat stalls, and chicken coop....I'm excited to try it!
I've never heard of Stall Dry before but I raise goats and anything like that sounds like a blessing. I will have to see if I can find it locally. Thanks for bringing it up guys!!!
I think the Stall Dry is an excellent product, works great for my horses and extends the life of my shavings.

, I had never heard of the sweet PDZ before but looks like you have found another great product. I am famililar with Zeolite and use it around the garden, the compost pile and for odor control with the cat box. it also makes a great way to clean up chemical spills like oil. I never thought about it in the stalls or for a chicken coop, The MSDS only lists it as a mild irritant (the dust) and even california found no toxicity.

is why this is such a great site, great information.
My store didn't know that it was DE either. I went through and read the back of all the bags in the store until I found Stall Dry. I was so excited. Then the next week we were out of tow and saw a farmers co-op and I found food grade DE(only $30) also. So now I have both, I feel so lucky!
I went pre-chicken supply shopping yesterday and was at the Southern States nearby. I asked about the DE and the lady looked at me as if I had just said I was an alien from Mars. She had never heard of it and asked what DE stood for - duh me, I didn't know.

I totally forgot about the Stall Dry... I'll look again tomorrow or Saturday. It sounds like something that would be in the equine section?
I love this stuff !! I haven't read all the page of this thread, but I got mine at tractor supply. What a difference stall dry makes. now to get tthe run a bit drier in all this rain!
Does the PDZ get rid of flies in the run area ? I never have flies in the coop . I use only pine shavings and never smells or have flies in the coop , but flies do mutilply FAST in the run area .
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The Sweet PDZ dries stuff up big time. So in that way it hinders flys. I don't think it kills them though like DE does, I could be wrong though. Since I can't get stall dry it is what I use, but I also use food grade DE. I use the granulated sweet PDZ and it allows me to use way less DE which is much more expensive. This combo keeps the smell down to basically nothing, the poo dries almost instantly, and there are no flys.
Everyone I talk to tells me to buy the DE stuff at this is the price they have on there web site 25 lb bag $16.50 or 50 lb bag $24.95+ shipping I am going to order some Monday and try it. I have never used it. I am going to try it on my dogs and cats and pigs. I never even heard about it till the other day!

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