Started on new non-gmo food!

This statement is extraordinarily misleading.The genes spliced into most GM crops are not from food animals but from bacteria that we would normally not be exposed to. Most GM crops have glyphosate (RoundUp) resistance through protection from a bacterial gene that is spliced into the genome of a given crop and thus are treated with tons and tons of glyphosate (since weeds are becoming resistant to glyphosate due to overuse, they have to use more glyphosate). Some GM crops also produce their own pesticides called 'Bt toxin', Bt is short for Bacillus thuringiensis which is a bacteria that lives in the guts of some caterpillars and moths and on some plants. This bacteria produces 'crystal proteins' that have insecticidal effects. When they splice this gene in the plants genome it produces a lot of Bt toxin and that plant has a LOT of the Bt genetic material in it. The scary part is, a study in Quebec found the Bt toxin circulating in the blood of pregnant women, and in the fetuses, both in fairly high concentrations and with a high rate of incidence (I believe 80% of pregnant women and their fetuses). There is also a potential for this gene to transfer into the bacteria within your own gut and then your digestive system would become a Bt toxin factory! Sounds fun, no? - link to the abstract of the study mentioned above.

GM foods are dangerous in more ways than one. Most recent studies are showing them to be unsustainable, in fact "RoundUp Ready" crops are already almost useless since so many weeds are now resistant to the pesticide due to gross overuse. Now it appears they are going to shift to 2,4-D ready crops. I will take a pass on that. You can choose for yourself, but do the research first, understand the issue beyond the talking points you hear on the "news".

Well the so called study is a very small sample, for all we know they all could be farmers wives that helped spray fields. And they don't say what levels they had or what percentage.
What about all the people that eat caterpillars all their lives ?
Instead of talking about research, I would like to tell you about our real experience with a GMO versus a GMO free diet. So here is our personal story; take it for what you will. I'll try to make it short.

I like to cook everything from scratch, but my husband still enjoyed his college bachelor food; canned raviolis, frozen dinners, cheap frozen pizzas, and oh.... how he loves his ramen noodles! Just pop 'em in the microwave; he doesn't even have to talk to me! He can feed himself like a big boy!

A bit over 4 years ago, he got sick one day. Severe stomach pain, nausea, and constant, bloody diarrhea. After two weeks, it didn't go away. He went to the emergency room were they admitted him. He was hospitalized for almost a week, were they did lots of fun tests including colonoscopies. He was released and later diagnosed as having ulcerative colitis. Fun stuff.

He went to see his doctor and took his medication faithfully, and for over a year he was just as sick as he had ever been. His normal color was green and he lived in the bathroom. I grilled his doctor about his diet and what should I feed him, and read all kinds of books and online info on Chrons/UC diets..... none of it made a difference. During this time of research, I had stumbled across more information about GMO's, something that I never really gave much thought to before. I researched the crap out of them. I was so fed up with my husband's illness, it really consumed his life, that I took over. He pitched a fit when I cleaned out the pantry! It was like an episode of Wife Swap! "WHAT!? You're throwing out my ramen noodles? You're taking everything away from me!" We changed our diet to one free of GMO's and in less than 2 weeks my husband was in remission. He is now symptom free and has been for about 2 1/2 years.

Oh, and concerning the matter of the original post, my chickens are on a GMO free feed.
He pitched a fit when I cleaned out the pantry! It was like an episode of Wife Swap! "WHAT!? You're throwing out my ramen noodles? You're taking everything away from me!" We changed our diet to one free of GMO's and in less than 2 weeks my husband was in remission. He is now symptom free and has been for about 2 1/2 years.

Oh, and concerning the matter of the original post, my chickens are on a GMO free feed.
Interesting....Let me say first that I am completely and utterly against GMO for too many reasons to list. I of course am also against the fact that someone can patent life (even if it is plant life)
Being an anatomy and physiology fanatic; I would surmise that the improvement lay in the changing of the diet away from processed foods more so than the shift away from GMO. Still though a good idea to try and get away from GMO, if for no other reason than to hurt their (the Monsanto monster) margin to discourage such nonsense of GMO. That is why they push for almost every food we consume to contain either soybean or corn. Go figure
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Interesting....Let me say first that I am completely and utterly against GMO for too many reasons to list. I of course am also against the fact that someone can patent life (even if it is plant life)
Being an anatomy and physiology fanatic; I would surmise that the improvement lay in the changing of the diet away from processed foods more so than the shift away from GMO. Still though a good idea to try and get away from GMO, if for no other reason than to hurt their (the Monsanto monster) margin to discourage such nonsense of GMO. That is why they push for almost every food we consume to contain either soybean or corn. Go figure

Well, yes, I see what you are saying. But in interest of keeping the story as short as possible I did leave out some details; for example he did not live off of processed foods. This was something he ate 3 or 4 times a week at most, when there weren't dinner leftovers in the fridge. (My husbands cooking skills do not go beyond the microwave.) And as I'm sure you know if you don't eat them, trying to go to any grocery store, even Whole Foods, and shop GMO free is a daunting task when you are actively avoiding them. So even though I made our meals from scratch, and avoided The Dirty Dozen, we were still consuming a ton of GMO before I started consciously avoiding them. Sugar, conventional meat, oil and shortening, salad dressing, mayo, ketchup, bread, granola bars, dairy products, eggs, corn meal..... I'm a southern girl, I used a lot of that. Like you said; everything has soybean or corn in it.

So I really don't think it was just omitting his 4 processed crap snacks a week.
Quote: Well the so called study is a very small sample, for all we know they all could be farmers wives that helped spray fields. And they don't say what levels they had or what percentage.
What about all the people that eat caterpillars all their lives ?
What is the life expectancy, do you suppose, of the average person who "eats caterpillars all their life"? Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk 2
Being an anatomy and physiology fanatic; I would surmise that the improvement lay in the changing of the diet away from processed foods more so than the shift away from GMO.
I'd tend to agree with that.

Quote: Yes, profit making in the food business is a reality.
Yes, profit making in the food business is a reality.

Yes of course. Trust me, I'm not an OWS freak against corporate America. Monsanto can make their profit like they did before they were allowed to modify food at the genetic level with foreign DNA though. Keeping in mind that they are a chemical company and only associated with the food industry due to genetic modification of food stuffs to help incorporate the use of their chemicals. I am not even such a purist that I don't believe in crossing strains of seed to increase viability, taste, nutrition, etc. Has been done for literally thousands of years.
I am very much against modifying the genetics with completely foreign material though.
Whatever your belief is about creation (God or natural) I don't think we should be screwing with either.
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Back on the op's subject though (since I have a feeling that Dev and I could discuss points on this for a very long time,lol)
I did look into Hiland Naturals and sent them an email asking for more information. A couple of things bother me a little though.
  1. No one else in the country has (to my knowledge) been able to offer organic, non GMO feed at such a low price. Kind of makes you curious on how they do it and where they are buying the raw material and the quality of that material. It's not a few percent difference.....we are talking 50% cheaper than anyone else that offers this type of product!!!
  2. Where are they getting their research on calcium in layer feed? I mean 5.5%; most other manufactures are at 2.5-4.5 and many backyard folks especially the breeders think even that 4.5 may be a little high.
  3. I know some may think this is trivial.....but what is up with their so called website? It is a modified blog more than a real site. No real info on all the products they offer, no info on the nutrition analysis, no info on dealer location, etc. etc. I searched for 20 minutes just for the calcium info in the layer feed and just got lucky some random customer posted it. For me information like this and the way the site is put together is a sign of professionalism, organization, communication, (or lack of) etc.etc. I'm a little scared about a supposed professional company that just throws a blog up. Makes it look like it's run by a bunch of kids.
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