Starter Feed/Layer Feed Question


In the Brooder
Mar 3, 2015
I have 7 ten week old chicks and 5 six month old hens. They are now integrated in the coop and free range morning to night. Do I still need to feed them two separate feed? I have a half bag of starter feed left, but not much layer feed. Is it ok to feed the layers the starter feed and vice versa? I don't want to mess with the egg laying.
I should add that the chicks are helping themselves to the layer feed most of the time. I'm not sure how I would keep them from it.
I should add that the chicks are helping themselves to the layer feed most of the time. I'm not sure how I would keep them from it.
The starter feed won't hurt the layers, but the laying feed will hurt the chicks. The calcium will mess up their reproductive systems. I switch my pens to starter feed when there are chicks in the mix and give the layers free choice oyster shells. So far that has worked for me
Super simple solution for any mixed flock is to feed starter or grower ration for everyone and provide calcium separately in the form of oyster shell for the birds who are actively producing eggs.

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