Starting about 18 BCM eggs tonight. March 24th /25th hatch

john in wa

10 Years
Mar 31, 2009
I got my eggs today. I will let them settle and warm up to room temp then into the incubator tonight. since the are shipped eggs i will Incubate them with fat end up to try to help the air sacks. The eggs in the pic are on the right are the bought eggs and the left side are my eggs from my hens.. Any want to join in on this hatch. I don't care what your hatching any type of eggs as long as your hatching.

Hi there,

I just got my shipped eggs yesterday. I let them settle overnight and popped them into the incubator this morning before i went to work. I'm incubating 12 shipped splash BLRW 8 shipped Blue/Black/Splash Wyandottes (these are pullet eggs... don't know how it will go, the eggs are tiny... but if any chicks hatch they're going to be tiny and adorable!) and then I filled up the rest of the incubator with my own eggs from a splash BLRW roo over splash BLRW and buff wyandotte hens (I forgot to count because I was running late for work by this point. I'll have to see how many I have in there when I get home). This is my second hatch and my first time with shipped eggs!

What kind of incubator are you using? I have an rcom king suro. I think that the digital temperature readout is a bit low... last hatch nothing even pipped until day 23. This isn't unexpected since the person I bought it used from said she needed to have it set at 100.3 for a good hatch... but I figured the first time I used it I better try it out on it's factory settings.

I'm really looking forward to this hatch. I think with the temp up I should have more luck than last time (I hatched 5 chicks out of 14 eggs that made it to lockdown). And I can't wait to see if the tiny pullet eggs hatch!

Are you an experienced incubator/hatcher? I need all the help I can get!
I am using a Brinsea octagon eco 20. This little Incubator holds perfect temp and had hatched a couple hundred chicks for me over the last three year. I am going to use a Little Giant still air to hatch my Hens eggs in, so the chicks don't get mixed with the bought eggs if any of them hatch. I am wanting roosters out of the bought eggs to freshen up the blood lines and maybe add a little more color to my eggs. We should be hatching right around the same time. I cant wait to see how we do.
I'm trying to do exactly the same thing with my shipped eggs. I'm hoping for one good new roo out of them. I think this is going to be my ongoing plan... to purchase eggs once every couple of years to get a new unrelated roo for my flock.

I wish I had another incubator to hatch my own eggs in. I've been wondering how on earth I'm going to tell my own chicks from the shipped eggs, but I couldn't resist filling up the incubator! I guess I just figured I'd cross that bridge when I got to it. Any suggestions if I only have the one incubator?

My rcom is holding temp and humidity rock solid (which is surprising considering the temp fluctuations in my house since we heat with a wood stove), but as I said... I think it's just off. I'm going to stick a thermometer on top of my eggs when I get home tonight so I can see what it reads. I think my humidity was good last time... the eggs that hatched all came out very cleanly with no stickiness or drying membranes. So I'm thinking I'll stick with the 45% for the first 18 days and 60% for the last 3 days since it seemed to work before. What do you set your temp and humidity at?

CDennis... what kinds of eggs do you have in the works???
Ok I got my eggs set @4pm my time.. I ended up setting 19 eggs total. I marked all my hens eggs with a X on top.

I got BCM eggs today too. I was planning on letting them set until tomorrow morning. I have 20 eggs (12 from someone here and 8 from ebay). Looks like I'll be just one day behind you more or less.

Good luck,

I am in perpetual hatching mode so I guess I get to join. Two bators full of misc eggs. BCM, White & BBS Ameraucana, Mottled Java and Light Sussex.

OH!!!!! I just found my first Pilgrim goose egg of the year. Whoo Hoot! So I am going to incubate it too. I doubt it is fertile right now, but yahoo, they will be!

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welcome aboard fellow hatchers. I cant Waite to see all the results from the hatches.. I would also like to see some pictures of your birds and eggs if you have them.
Set 18 Buckeye eggs, 12 Ameraucana eggs in our new 1588 this evening. Also, we put 9 eggs under our broody hen last night. The eggs came from local breeders.
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