Starting FIRST TIME EVER eggs and I have some thermomter questions! Please help!


9 Years
May 1, 2010
Milford, Michigan
I have acquired an LG still air incubator with the egg turner. I have read some threads about that and either you love them or you hate them! I bought a thermometer with humdity reading. It is like the one below. (I bought 2 of them)

My question is WHERE DO YOU PUT IT? I have an egg turner and the readings vary when they the eggs are at different angles. Also the one that is laying on the turner and the one I put on top of the eggs vary by several degrees. So I am not sure which is the right temp. I set them 4 days ago and candled them and see no veins? Do I have to try again??? Please let me know what you think!

I'd like some help with that too!! I am partway through an incubation (12 days) and I've had some fluctuations with the temps. I'm hoping that it won't be too drastic. I have a thermometer/hygrometer combo on the pivot point at one side of the egg tray and the "bulb" of the in/out thermometer is in the centre of the egg tray.

So when the tray is tilted toward the fan I have to turn the temp down and when it is tilted the opposite direction I have to turn the temp up a bit. I've got it figured out now so I can get it pretty quickly regulated (I know exactly where to turn it to), but it is a PITA!! to futz with it every time I do a turn. My fluctuations have been from about 96 to 100.... I'll let you know how it works out in about 10 days!!!

Oh, and I did try (the first time around when I was just testing it out) to make one of those "fake" eggs (which had the "bulb" end of the in/out thermometer in it.) I used hair gel in a hollowed out egg, stuck the "bulb" end down into it and "sealed" it with silicone. It must not have been sealed very well though because at the end of my test period it was completely empty and dry!!

So..... anyone out there give us a better suggestion.
I have thought about trying to make or buy a fake egg to help gauge my temp. I wonder where all that gel went? I can't imagine it evaporating... hmmm...
Does anyone else have one and how does it work for you?
I have acquired an LG still air incubator with the egg turner. I have read some threads about that and either you love them or you hate them! There are people who love them? LOL.

My question is WHERE DO YOU PUT IT? I have an egg turner and the readings vary when they the eggs are at different angles. Also the one that is laying on the turner and the one I put on top of the eggs vary by several degrees. So I am not sure which is the right temp. Did you calibrate them so you know they are reading accurately? Once calibrated, I would set one on top of the eggs, around the center. If there is fluctuation according to the movement of the turner, then you know the eggs are subject to that same fluctuation. I set them 4 days ago and candled them and see no veins? I wouldn't even try to candle until 10 days. While experienced hatchers/candlers are able to see veins after 3 days, when it is your first hatch, it is hard to know what you are looking at. At 10 days it will be far more obvious which are clear and which are dark.
OK: I think maybe my fan is the problem. I have it outside the light box, pointing across the eggs. That's why when I flip the eggs they are hot one direction and cold the other. I think if I moved the fan inside the light box (so it wasn't actually blowing across the eggs) that might cool down the lights better, and circulate the air more evenly. I don't know how this hatch is going to work. I'll let you know. Best of luck FlyingFChick getting your incubator working.

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