Starting up the 'bator - I must be crazy :)

OT here!

I got the EE eggs ya sent me in Maryland today! I can't believe how well they were packed, not a single one cracked or broken - until my carton I had placed them in tipped over while I was putting them in the bator and I lost three. Duh! So we'll see how well they survived blizzard, cold temps, long truck ride in the mail carriers truck, and my ineptness! LOL! I have figured out I have to add more than a cup of warm water every other day just to keep the humidity between 30 and 40 percent. Got the fan in and have the temps at 99 to 100 steady. Wish me luck!
You have to do something to think spring other than drool over seed catalogs. lol Beside that, what would I do all winter build more coops and pens????? We have two going now that aren't finished yet. lol I ended up setting 19 eggs and I'll add whatever we get today to the mix.


You are crazy but you're in a good crowd... I turned off the big antique cabinet bator, but have chicks with broodies and in a brooder anyway so I might hatch a few more. That whole OFF thing is over rated. I have to change out the thermostat and fan for the antique - the old fan gave up and I have a hot new thermostat model for primary control of the heating element. Yay. I've a new generation of Dels growing out, some of them monsters. So more hatching in Feb for certain, so I can see clearly what's being produced over spring and summer, for the Fall sort. I still need more pens. Chuckle. And bantams exploded, anyone want the spare silkies, sizzles or seramas? Dear me.
Thank you. When I got up today 99.5/99.9 37%. Turned the heat in the house up a little and the incubator went to 100.0/99.7 37% then 36% again. All day yesterday it was at 35% with still no water in incubator yet.
I'm going to turn temperature now just a hair. The turner is doing a great job. Still not smoking in that room, I really think that will mess things up.

I got these egg for my broody hen then I was going to test the others. After I got them she came off the nest.
Last night she is sitting again. I don't think I want to give her any eggs. After they hatch I'll give her 5 or 6 if she is still sitting, just to help her out. She doesn't have a rooster yet so the eggs are no go.
Lockdown today at noon.
It's been almost 3 hrs and my humidity is only 33%. Have hot water full in all the wells two sponges both holes pluged. New Humidifier on for more then a day because day one started 40% dry hatch down to 25% day 16. Door is shut in this small bedroom. They are in cartons. Now what? First hatch. Been reeding all night and day long. Can't give up. Can't give up.
Hova-Bator 1602N All the wells are full and two sponges full How do I do that? I have ways tow fill them up when they go down with out opening them or I can take the top off and take them out of the carton put them on the screen (what ever it is) and a flat bowl with more sponges but I have 32 silkie eggs in there now so it's full. Now what?33% 5:12pm.
I'm not experienced at hatching , but first thing that comes to my mind is turn on the shower for a bit and not run the ceiling vent if you have one . Close the drain and let the water stand in the tub . Hang wet clothes on the shower curtain . Those are all things I do to raise the humidity in my home .
Hatching today!!! We haven't turned off the incubator yet. I remember reading posts from people who kept them on and thinking, why can't they turn them off? Now, I KNOW!!!

Australorps and one Delaware


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