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Lives on a farm which sounds awesome.

(lol, nobody knows what I actually want to be when I'm older... o-o Although photographer would be pretty cool.)
I like the open space,its like a big playground! and having baby animals is great! I love taking pictures I just don't like taking pictures of people I don't know why really...unless its someone I like
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Yea, I always feel bad if it's a bad picture of them, and they get all "Delete it! Delete it!"
I frequently catch bad picture of my chickens, but they can't complain. :lol:
Yea, I always feel bad if it's a bad picture of them, and they get all "Delete it! Delete it!"
I frequently catch bad picture of my chickens, but they can't complain.
Well I just like taking pictures of nature & animals more,I hate when people take pictures of me thats for sure!

I agree with that one. Being in a group photo's not so bad, as usually I'm not the only one who just happens to blink at the time of the click. :lau

My personal favourite is the sky, especially clouds. I have a lot of pictures of clouds.

ETA: And good night! Sorry, I didn't see your other post before.
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