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Ya you can! I can go to the pool with my friends, walk to five guys, run the forest preserve, play football in the backyard, basketball at the courts, go to my friends house and hang out there, walk to the movies or walk to Walmart, take a bike on the forest preserve, look at all the nature, and trees, and birds, and farms, and lands, bike to my old elementary schools park, fly a kite there, bike with my friends, practice with my football teammates, SO MUCH FUN in the burbs... I never have to drive I'm so lucky my parents NEVER had as much as I did growing up
But we all like where we grow up better because thats where you grew up you can have the same amount of fun wheather in the city, suburbs, farm, country, town wherever
Does not have BBCode Editor switched on, or else that smiley would've come out as ":D"

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