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Lives is Missouri.
Apparently half of Kansas City is in Missouri.
I still find that sort of funny. :p
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But doesn't like it all that much
why so?
Touch football? I don't even know what that is.

Says a lot, doesn't it.
I can outsprint a lot of fast people if I try hard enough. I usually can't be bothered though.

(And no longer than 100m, or I end up wheezing like an unfit girly girl
Touch football is the same as normal football, except you touch them instead of tackle. it's safer.
yup :p
nice ^^
don't worry, we all wheeze after running a lot :p even i do :p but that isn't saying much since i ain't the fittest person in the world XD even though i have lost 20 pounds since a few months ago, which i'm glad about :3

The accents are... different. :lol:
I'm not sure, it's all the vast amounts of empty land, I suppose, and you have to fly for hours to even get anywhere.

Adam: Nice job on losing that weight. Do you jog? I tried to take up jogging a while back but procrastination took over. Hehe.
The accents are... different.

I'm not sure, it's all the vast amounts of empty land, I suppose, and you have to fly for hours to even get anywhere.
Adam: Nice job on losing that weight. Do you jog? I tried to take up jogging a while back but procrastination took over. Hehe.
well America ain't so great either :p what other congress or government declares pizza a vegetable??? that's where our tax dollars are going :p
no, i don't :p i think i lost weight because i don't eat nearly as much anymore. heck, i skip whole meals daily :p first off, i never have breakfast, if i'm hungry around lunch time, but i can't find anything to eat, i'll wait til supper. by supper, i will eat no matter what since by that time i'm starving :p
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