State a fact about yourself!

Just got out of pool! drip, drip.
My "best friend" went crazy on me the other day. She has basically called me a lying, narcisistic, problem causing, judgmental whore... Because I told her I was switching me horse to English. It's good thing darkwolf100 is my soul sister, lol.
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It's just been so cold and rainy here lately that you wouldn't think it's summer lol... Anyway I need to rant! I'm a fosterer for a self funded animal rescue centre local to me. The owner of the rescue just got a call from the RSPCA (it's the same as the ASPCA) about 17 dogs in horrible condition that they are about to take from a back yard breeder. So looks like I'll be taking in a dog or to for a little while, which I don't mind at all. What gets me is the owners greed! They over breed their dogs and make lots of money from the pups, yet with that money they spend it on themselves and not the poor dogs! Makes me so mad :(
The passion flower vine is once again growing on our chicken run! Soon we will have beautiful passion flowers everywhere which will attract tons beautiful butterflies! :D

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