Stay At Home Mom Blues...

Get more sun. Paint your walls brighter colors. Open the windows, or just the curtains if its cold.


I battle with this all the time. I honestly do. I have no reason to be depressed, but some times it just gets the better of me and before I know it I am so confused and overwhelmed and sick of everything I just want to sit around and cry. And nothign gets done and that just makes it all worse.

The biggest thing is sunlight. It changes your hormones and chemistry. Being a stay at home mom means you often dont get as much light as you ought, especially with wee tots in the house.

I tan in the winter if I have to to make up for what I dont get. The seasonal thing makes it WAY worse. Winter is a pain.

light light light. exercise.
I hear you on the circular saw, DH put his foot down on that one and won't let me use one either. I was going to argue, until I picked it up. It's kind of heavy and I don't feel like accidentally cutting off a limb.

My wife and I argue over this too, but in a different way. She is good with power tools, and she bought a huge chipper/shredder. I just don't want her using things like the circular saw, the chain saw, or the shredder when there is nobody around to call 911 and help if there's an accident. I don't use these things either, if I'm home alone.

My mother grew up on a farm, and there's still a lot of farming in my extended family ... and I know of too many horrific accidents with machinery ... and having someone available to help is critical ...

You can probably learn to use that saw with a bit of guidance and practice, if you're so inclined. My wife had some experience with radial arm saws and other mounted / table saws, but was a bit intimidated by the circular saw at first, and she uses it like a pro now. Just be safe!​

Glad to hear that you are talking things out with your SO. Sounds like things are looking up.

Just remember, whenever you're down ... you're young, healthy, and have your whole life ahead of you. I'm sure a lot of the older folks on this forum will agree with me that all that is priceless. Be optimistic, be brave, live life to the fullest.

If I could turn back the clock and be your age again, the one thing I'd do is worry less. Things have a way of working out if you put some work into it.
You really hit the nail on the head. I am going through a slump right now, I am stressed over money, with my DH being on disability, and my house needs paint and some repairs and I just get down over his not being to do what he use to do, on top of raising our 9 year old much loved grandson that we adopted last year.

But, we are responsible for our own happiness and if a pink kitchen makes you happy, then DO it. I guarantee once he comes home and sees it, what is he gonna do???? It's YOUR kitchen, and if you want it" bluellageen", that is YOUR choice. I think most men make a big tadoo about stuff, and then never look at it again.

I also found out if I waited around for my DH to give me a compliment or whatever, I was gonna be waiting a long time.

I definitely would go to the closest Health Food Store when you get out and about and talk to them about a natural remedy. My daughter swears by St. John's Wort. Says its not an overnight cure, takes a few weeks to get into your system, but it really does work. It's on my list for this month! Good Luck!!!
I have read this entire thread and it sounds as though it could all be about me! SAHM with 2 kids, husband that works, however mine says if you want it done then do it, yourself. Depression can become soo overwhelming that sometimes you just have to do what makes you feel good and let the rest slide will still be there later. Do small tasks that way when they actually get done you feel some accomplishment. Believe me I know from experience, my house is NEVER clean anymore, but if I get the dishes done, I feel a little better. If I get the bathroom scrubbed, even a little better. Heck the rest will be there tomorrow.
On another note if you really want to use a circular saw get a small battery powered one, I love my hubby's.
Just hang in there!
I must chime in.....what a great thread full of helpful information.

Just know that you are not alone....reach you are doing....don't give up. One of the difficult things about depression is that it demotivates....

Sounds like you have put down the shovel, now you need to find a way out of the hole. Don't feel guilty about being in the hole - it's not your fault. Try to put all your energy toward seeing the light and getting out of the hole.

Good job opening up to DH, and I think you should also paint your kitchen pink and get some outside support.

The better we love ourselves, the better we can love our wishes and good luck.
Well, you have lots of good advice here.

One thing I want to add:

In a clinical study researchers compared Prozac and St. John's Wort given to patients with moderate to severe depression. St. John's Wort worked just as well as Prozac in the study. Most grocery stores have it and it's usually not all that expensive.

It would be very hard to have children when you are so young - you have to give up so much of yourself. I think it's a little easier when you are older.
Try to get out and meet some people with children. Go to storytime at the library or the local playground. Maybe even an older mom that can mentor you.

I would try the Vitamin D - there's a lot of promising research coming out about that - again, not expensive.
Sarahfair - sending more hugs your way!

I was diagnosed with depression over a decade ago. I went to the Dr. because my hair was falling out more than normal, and my energy level was low. I thought it might be my thyroid. At the time I was a stay-at-home mom to two kids and feeling much the same as you describe. He asked about my interest in my hobbies, temper, sex drive, concentration, how I was sleeping, energy level, and more. BOY! Was I shocked when he diagnosed Clinical Depression!! I've taken medication off and on since then. I now know the signs to look for, and I also know that I'm more prone to depression in the winter months due to less hours of sunshine each day.

If your symptoms made all of us say "Gee it sounds like Diabetes - you should see the Doctor" you would find a way. Depression is just as serious, and with the suicidal tendancies that can creep up over time - it can be even more deadly.

So, I have to agree with others, if there is any way to see a Dr. please, please do.

The doctor may be able to help with medications too. My Dr. gives me samples of the Rx I'm currently on for free- he's been doing it for over a year because the prescription is $40 a month and that's a lot on our budget. And he lets me pay on our bill monthly if needed. For those without insurance, he has a smaller office visit fee too from what I've heard.
Can you get a group of moms in your area together for coffee or call a Mary Kay, Tupperware, Pampered chef or other home party consultant and have a party?
It will give you some companionship, people to share with and have some fun.
Ive been busy today...
Painting my Dining room red
With everything the cost comes out to around $20 bucks. I also bought a small 10x10 canvas to paint the scene I was going to paint on a plate. That should keep me busy for awhile too.

There are a few ladies on the street that are moms. Im a lot younger than them all so I feel like its not really my place to go up and talk to them. I feel like they would be like 'What does that little girl want? Me to hang out with her?'

Ive wanted to talk to the lady that moved in infront of us. She always makes it a point for me to see her waving. Her husband is a cop. The house next door has a woman in her mid 30s to mid 40s but they are renters and Im starting to think they are on drugs and about to move out anyways. The other lady has a boy about 14 or so. Her husband always makes it a point to wave at me. Whenever I see him around town hes always flashing his brights at me or waving really big. I always wave back but it kinda gives me the willies.
Im just scared people are going to start coming over here and wanting me to talk to them forever

Is that weird?
Maybe I just need to break out of this antisocial circle Im in.

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