Stay at home parents!

My sOn kicked off his second cast
Off the same leg so now we are set back by two castings on one leg this is driving me batty i dont want him to have to do this much longer
It would bother me if my kids pretended to smoke. My hubby smokes but only at work or far away from the kids so I don't think they have ever seen it. I don't think you should be upset at her pretending the animals are fine. Little kids don't really understand death - she will understand more if she sees you guys bury or burn the bodies. The idea they aren't just sleeping isn't sinking in.
Today the kids and I are going to a car show with my sister in law. Then we have a big family meeting because there was a lot of drama and fighting earlier this week because everyone is not communicating well. A "family" trip was planned 3 years ago and hubby and I were informed this week that its happening this year with or without us. We'd never heard of the trip before so naturally there's been a lot of hurt feelings going around.

Just an Fyi all National Parks are free to the public April 16-24th this year. Hopefully we all can get out there and enjoy them this week!
Got some great news at the appointment today even through joshua kicked out of his last two cast and one pior when it looked like we where going to have to do 3-4 more casting and then i added another casting for each foot since he kicked out of the last two the doctor said today it looks like we might only have to do two more!!!! I am praying that it stays that way and thanking God!!

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