Stay at home parents!

I am a stay at home mom too...probably a bit older than most of you. My husband and I will be married 20 years in Oct. We have 6 children: 18, 15, 14, 11, 10, & 2. The oldest 3 are girls and the younger 3 are boys. We won't talk about how many times I was asked if my youngesst was my grandson...he is not, I squeezed out all 6 of them and proud to be an older mom! We have a 10 acre farm. We raise dairy goats, lots of poultry and waterfowl, rabbits, pigs, & 2 jersey cows. We have a dog & a house cat. We have a large garden and I enjoy canning. I love to bake. Enjoy those early years with your little ones because it goes by soooo fast. My little guy is growing up so fast, getting more independent every day and my first baby is in college...where did the time go.

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I am a stay at home mom too...probably a bit older than most of you. My husband and I will be married 20 years in Oct. We have 6 children: 18, 15, 14, 11, 10, & 2. The oldest 3 are girls and the younger 3 are boys. We won't talk about how many times I was asked if my youngesst was my grandson...he is not, I squeezed out all 6 of them and proud to be an older mom! We have a 10 acre farm. We raise dairy goats, lots of poultry and waterfowl, rabbits, pigs, & 2 jersey cows. We have a dog & a house cat. We have a large garden and I enjoy canning. I love to bake. Enjoy those early years with your little ones because it goes by soooo fast. My little guy is growing up so fast, getting more independent every day and my first baby is in college...where did the time go. Christie:)
SIX KIDS @mothergoose I'm sorry but that's INSANE!!! LOL!!! I sometimes loose my mind and I only have two. Your not a granny your a superhero.
So new to this chicken thing and already our little chicks have won us over.
Morning chick cuddles before school!!
Lol wow yeah six i am good at two for now lol my paster has nine
i dont know how they stayed sane... And i agree grandmas are super heroes. And this is my first year with chickens its been alot of fun!! Its also my first year with ducks lol. I use to work on a horse ranch managing the animals care, medical and physical and housing. I use to big animals lol chickens and their personalitys are new. Lucy had a blast at her friends house while we were at joshua appointment i also took the time to catch up on some cleaning while she was there and joshua was down for a nap. I got alot done only laundry left and deep cleaning which can wait.
Lol thats funny i mever liked birds as a kid i got attack by cardnals for walking through bushes where they had the nest. I figured we would get chickens for eggs and the cull for meat and i wouldnt be emotional about it i was wrong i love my hens. How different is it over there? Granted I have never been to cananda i only been out of texas twice once to mexico and once to arkansas.

My husband and I both traveled a lot as kids and before we met. We decided to settle in Australia 14yrs ago (he's Australian). Thankfully we are fortunate enough to be able to all go to Canada to see my family every year & usually stay as long as we can (6-8wks). This year we are going at Christmas so the girls can see snow for the first time.

Life here for us is very beach orientated. We live about a 5min drive to the coast and the girls surf almost everyday (at their age it's more like floating around on their surfboards). Where we are its subtropical so we do get a rainy season though the hottest part of the year. Other then that it's pretty much same same but different.
I've been to Dallas once years ago and LOVED it!! Would love to go again someday. where about a in Texas are you?
I would take another if the good Lord would bless us with one. The more the merrier. I could not imagine my life without all our children. We are very close and all love farm life.
Have a great day all,
Lol,,,sanity is an option after birthing your first? Nobody pointed out that option on the forms to me? I always assumed I'd get it back once kids are older.
I will have to say I felt that way when our 5th child was born. Then our children were 8, 5, 3, 1, and a newborn. Not gonna lie, it was a bit much. The 2 youngest were my first boys and they were wild and into everything. They gave me a run for my money that is for sure. After #5 I told my husband that was it no more kids. I went back to work when Jacob was 3 yrs old (he is #5) I went to work as a cook for our kids lutheran school. It was perfect because the kids and I were still together everyday and my youngest at the time was there too in early preschool. I enjoyed working again and it gave me that little bit of grown up time that I think I was missing...that sanity. I had adults to talk to and still got to be near all my kids. I was content, then after 7 years I found myself wishing for another. Jealous whenever I saw someone else pregnant. So, my husband and I started trying for #6. Almost exactly 8 years after #5 our 6th (Gus) was born. It has been like starting over but this time I have helpers at home. I am truly enjoying every minute. Gus has been so much fun. Watching how his wonder and awe of new things even makes his siblings appreciate and enjoy his new experiences. I just wish they didn't grow up so fast. I will be 45 this week and wishing I could turn back the clock. Enjoy these early years and all the insanity that goes with it because it will be gone before you know it.

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