Stay at home parents!

My husband and I are planning 6 kids. We only have 2 right now and to be honest when the kids are particularly difficult we have "done" days where we are calling it quits all together. I still get nutty excited seeing bellies and new babies with other mommies. My hubby was kinda hoping that would go away after our Son was born. I think its here to Sta though and I totally want a #3.
Mrs. MVP,
I think it is great. I still want more husband thinks I am nuts, but he loves them all and would love another if the Lord would bless us again. He has more of an issue with our age than the number of kids.
Have fun your just gettin' started!
That makes me fill better.. Lucy is a ball of energy she was at a friends house yesterday from(she woke up at 6) 6:45-4 she took a twenty minute nap and kept going until 9:49
. How is that physically possible for a three year old.
My husband and I are planning 6 kids. We only have 2 right now and to be honest when the kids are particularly difficult we have "done" days where we are calling it quits all together. I still get nutty excited seeing bellies and new babies with other mommies. My hubby was kinda hoping that would go away after our Son was born. I think its here to Sta though and I totally want a #3.

Oh boy,all I'm gonna say is after 3it's a whole new ball game.
Well it's complicated- she had 6&baby was 1 year old &lost her life to breast cancer. Same town, a widow with four. So they married&had one,,so eleven all together.But Agreeded as farmers wives BOTH my mother in laws do more by 6am then most of us get done in a day!
It always amazes me.,with a new baby how much more love I have to give. Its like,whoa who knew all that was still in there!? I do get teary eyed though when I can't fit um ALLL at same time in my lap lol..anybody else ever feels that way?

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