Stay at home parents!

Two are awesome i miss two once lucy hit got close to three
she went alittle crazy
Gonna be along day for this sleep last night,stupid owls where on the deck trying to eat my new chicks. Sometimes if it ain't one thing it surely is another
Ohh no i am sorry thats anmoying, lol mybrothee called me already this morning at6:25 to tell me he shot a hog last night
he hyper he weird..
Well i lost a two month old chick this morning
and i wish i could say ot was due to a wild animal and not my dogs but some how the pullet must have gotten on their side of the yard otherwise they couldnt have gotten her... Oh and the stole my husbands boots off the front porch (its fence off) the must have learned how to open the gate the tore up the laces and part of the cloth. They just better hid when he gets home charles is mad at them i firgure one its bird dogs being bird dogs i have seen them kill doves and black birds i dont think they mean to be malicious its just partly their dna. When i walked out the coward they knew they had done wrong no point in punishing them when they not going to change. The hens wings werent clipped so she could fly and that probably how she got to their side i be clipping wing/checking wings to make sure the others cant follow suit. And the shoes well if they can get on the porch you shouldnt leave your shoes out there. All the shoes will be going to the closet they have torn up several pairs lucy likes borrowing my shoes or the gate use to get left open and they would get ahold of a pair of someone shoes. They are two years old if the not grown up by now to leave that stuff alone i doubt they ever will.
We have wild hogs here in texas that are a invasive species so we are allowed to hunt them all year and as far as i know there isnt a limit of how many you can shoot but i could be wrongg my husband the hunter. It was a wild hog that he shot.
We have wild hogs here in texas that are a invasive species so we are allowed to hunt them all year and as far as i know there isnt a limit of how many you can shoot but i could be wrongg my husband the hunter. It was a wild hog that he shot.

Oh whoa! I have always joked with my family how I'd love to hunt boar!
So can ya see them milling about? Bet they tear the ground up!
We had lots last year they destoyed the back paster and this year we saw a 300+ pound boar just standing next to the road watching cars then he sliwly crossed the road. They are huge and perfect a destorying things they can easly destory our fence if they wanted our chicken and yes they would kill and eat then
In CA people hunt boar/hogs too. In fact several of our cousins got some last fall.

My daughter is getting her 2 year molars and has been a bit of a pill. Today she has been hitting me and laughing so I have been lightly spanking her. Long story short my day has been filled with crocodile tears and hugs. My son has been pulling up on thing. He learned how to scooch forward yesterday so crawling is just around the corner.
In my free time (lol) i am filling out applications for medical assistance and making doctor appointments. Monday we found out my daughter has significant hearing loss on her left side. It is a birth defect and might be genetic. I'm trying to get a research group to check us for a genetic mutation affecting pigmentation. My son appears to hear fine but he is exceptionally white. Hubby and I both have dark hair and eyes with an olive skin tone. Our children are have blonde hair and my son has very pale/easily burned skin. If it turns out we have the genetic mutation it will be bye bye California and probably bye bye chickies until we can buy our own place. :(

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