still laying in the middle of the night in cold


Sep 21, 2020
Bergen County New Jersey
My black copper maran Raven went to lay her egg really late in the afternoon. Sometimes she takes a really long time to pop one out. I came home tonight to collect any eggs laid since I left and Raven was still in there. It is in the low 30s and from what I understand, hen's brains go "night night" once it is dark. I tried to move her to another nesting box that isn't as drafty but she went up onto her roost, only to come back down later and go back to the other box. She is still sitting there at 10pm. I don't think she is broody - has shown no broody signs, just her cycle was a bit off today. Will she be okay in a nesting box over night in low 30s (below freezng) when all of the other ladies are up on their roost snuggling for warmth? Should I move her up?

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