Still screaming

I think I'll go pick a few more up tomorrow. I've been wanting to expand anyway and if I'm going to deal with chicks I might as well get them all over with at the same time, lol. Hopefully more company will be good enough.
I think that will be your best solution! Chicks are fun, if a lot of work
I don't mind the work, it's the stress that's killing me! I know every once in a while you lose a chick, but man, that's just no fun at all. Now I'm super paranoid about everything they do.
I know it's hard, but you need to just stick him under the heating pad and walk away. He will chirp his head off, and it may last a while, but he will creep under the heating pad with the other chick before long.

He's gotten into the habit of having you satisfy his needs. It's just a matter of him, and boys do seem to be more apt to behave like this, by the way, getting out of the old habit and into the new habit of cuddling with his tent mate.

Trust me. This is not going to last forever.
Thanks, I hope you're right! They're in the other room but it seems like it's echoing through the house, if he doesn't calm down it's gonna be a long night, lol.
Sometime in the middle of the night he gave up and made friends. He still goes nuts when he sees me but that's fine, I think it's pretty cute! I'm still going to go grab a few more, get this whole baby thing over with all at once (for now, anyway).
I got a chuckle out of your posts. I am going to be a new chick mom in the morning when I pick up my new chicks. Hopefully things wont be quite as exciting as yours. I am excited to meet them all. I plan to get 6.
Where were you able to get just 6 chicks?! I had to get 15! not what I was planning for.
I love chicks but 15 was a little to much.
I live in North MS and there are lots of chicken farms around. I think you can get as few or as many as you want.

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