Still with that beak! X-(


Apr 18, 2018
Upstate SC
Been trying to get a handle on 9 Volt's beak since we rescued him back in July. He originally looked like Gonzo; I trim every few weeks or so, quick sessions because he fights like a little worm! The top beak is almost to where it should be, got maybe a quarter to an eighth inch before it's right. The bottom one is giving me fits--that quick is *right there*, now, and the darn thing doesn't seem to be pulling back. His bottom jaw is ever-so-slightly kicked to the side, so I'm concerned it could get worse/permanent if I don't stay on it and get it done. The impression I got from reading TwoCrows' article just now is that you have to get right up on that quick before it starts to pull back? IOW, scary close? Got at that top beak good today and wanted to spend a little more time with the lower one but The Worm wasn't having it. LOL
It is a tricky deal. I have had some that did not worsen as long as I routinely trimmed. I have had others that worsened in spite of my working on them. Hopefully he will fall in the former group.

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