Beak filing for a rescue


Apr 18, 2018
Upstate SC
I rescued 9 Volt in July and his beak was so long that he looked like Gonzo. I read up on trimming and have been working on him ever since. He's certainly looking better, but that darn bottom beak is driving me crazy. The quick is pulling back sooooo slowly. I know from studying the photos that it's supposed to tuck up into the top one, but ARGH. Over the first couple months, I got him to where it'd at least close (small gap still, but WAY improved), so he has much less difficulty eating. Should it be taking this long for that quick to recede? I feel for the little fella, he still can't manage anything other than bite-sized bits. Is there perhaps another issue or am I "over-mama-ing?" ;)
From what it sounds like you're on the right track. It can take the quick a while to recede enough when it was so overgrown. I've rescued birds with horrifyingly long claws and crazy overgrown over bites - you know, those ones never allowed out of a cage their whole life or allowed to see the light of day. Makes me so mad...

These problems didn't get so bad overnight, and they won't be fully resolvable that quick either. I'd encourage you, based on what you've detailed, to stick with what you've been doing for 9 Volt and exercise patience.

It is possible to post some pictures?
Well dang it, he has the head turning thing down to a science and I can't get a decent face shot of him :smackbut here's a shot of him the day after I got them all home. His claws were horridly long, then there's the inward curve of all his toes, his feathers were a *wreck*...poor lil fella.
Well dang it, he has the head turning thing down to a science and I can't get a decent face shot of him :smackbut here's a shot of him the day after I got them all home. His claws were horridly long, then there's the inward curve of all his toes, his feathers were a *wreck*...poor lil fella.
View attachment 1598003
Which part of his beak is over grown? The upper or lower part? Put a small brick or paver in his run so that he can wear down his beak naturally.
Ya, his bill definitely looks long and I can see the inward tilt on the toes. I always wonder if it causes them pain, cause it screws up how they're meant to walk.
I have a rescued Old English Game Bantam x Golden Sebright pullet who has crooked toes on one foot. I believe someone stepped on her toes and that’s why they’re crooked. She doesn’t seem to be in pain from her toes. She raised 6 chicks this summer and roosts and scratchs like all my other chickens.
Ya, his bill definitely looks long and I can see the inward tilt on the toes. I always wonder if it causes them pain, cause it screws up how they're meant to walk.

Poor little man. I'm glad he's in your care now instead of whoever *wasn't* caring!
He does limp but his home is on the back of a nice, mooshy couch--I hope it's related to awkward growth in his joints rather than pain. Even Hubby fusses over him to make sure his favorite spots are comfy! :D (They are currently playing Plants VS Zombies; the little feller is on the arm of the couch right next to his gaming buddy and will occasionally give a warning growl at some of the scarier monsters LOL They'll do this for hours on the weekends, it's hysterical)
The lower part is the big issue right now, since there's so little beak left before the quick starts. =( Before, he kinda had an eagle/Gonzo thing going, but I've got the top one almost right, and the lower one jutts out just a bit. Not as pronounced as a bulldog but definitely underslung. Sometimes, I'll run out and pick Gus up to eyeball his, since he's also a banty. Gus Gus has a nice, chunky, abrupt little beak...makes 9V look like a pigeon LOL
If it happened while he was growing the joints may have formed to accommodate the disturbance.

And omg, you have a gaming rooster, too?! Haha! That's great. I had a black bearded Silkie rooster who was an only chick and grew up in my pocket, on my shoulder, in my bed, on the arm of my chair, etc. Back when WoW retail was still worth playing (imo) he'd watch me raid and comment throughout. He'd even talk to the people on my Ventrilo server.

One of the funniest things was his absolute HATRED of sea lions - perhaps it was the way they move? My mom and I were watching a documentary on sea critters and he'd lose his mind every time one came on. He'd stand up as tall as he could and let out a crazy single scream like "I HATE IT" and get all huffy. He did the same for pixel versions too. So I got an alarm in my ear anytime some Druid would shift into aquatic form.

Does 9 Volt have any particular pixel critters he passionately hates? Lol.

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