Stinky chicks

I wasn't sure how to individually answer to each response . The chicks are only 3 weeks and I'm not sure if we should love them out yet , it's still cold at night . We don't have any adults chickens to help them out . We were forced to start over from scratch ..

On a scale 1-10... Today it was a 7. When I would come home from class I could smell the stinky chicks . And I just changed everything out two days before . Maybe they need to be in something ?
For me I have a small maybe 4x4 cage of about 15 small chicks and 2 turkeys both about 2 weeks old now. The smell only gets bad when their water is able to spill and sit in the shavings repeatedly for about 2 days but then after drying out the shavings by mixing them into the ones by their heat source really gets rid of the smell. Check their water supply and make sure it is not spilling into their bedding and if it is then just mix up the bedding right where they lay by their heat source.
Oh water gets spilled all day ! They stand on it all the time and knock it over. They also do the same thing with the thing that holds their food . I tried putting the water on a small block , thinking it would keep them off of it , but it's even worse now .
Oh water gets spilled all day ! They stand on it all the time and knock it over. They also do the same thing with the thing that holds their food . I tried putting the water on a small block , thinking it would keep them off of it , but it's even worse now .
There's your problem
Maybe put something heavy on top of it or time for a new waterer
The "joys" of chicks....As robdog's equation states! I use a plastic bin (105 qt - 116qt) size depending on how many I got. Used to use shaving but they get it in their water & water gets all over the place. Then I tried disposable bed liners, they still get water all over however I found it easier to clean and not as "messy". Not sure what the outside temp is in your area but you should be able to move them out in a secure room/building with a MHP. Once they're feathered, hope you got a coop for them ready, a lot of work until then.
I wasn't sure how to individually answer to each response . The chicks are only 3 weeks and I'm not sure if we should love them out yet , it's still cold at night . We don't have any adults chickens to help them out . We were forced to start over from scratch ..

On a scale 1-10... Today it was a 7. When I would come home from class I could smell the stinky chicks . And I just changed everything out two days before . Maybe they need to be in something ?
Mine are outside from the first....and I'm in Northern Wyoming. I've had chicks a few days old handle temps in the teens, 60 mph winds and sideways blowing snow with never an issue. I have 3 out there this year that went out soon after coming out of the incubator. I have 14 eggs set in the incubator and they'll go out as soon as they are dry, fluffy, and I know they can eat and drink. These little stinkers are tougher than they look. Mama Hen will hatch chicks in some of the most awful weather, and she doesn't warm them 24/7 - she just does her chicken thing while they run around all over the place, exploring and learning to be chickens. They just duck under her for a quick warm-up and then dash back out for more fun. I'm sorry you had to start over..I didn't realize that when I posted.

The "joys" of chicks....As robdog's equation states! I use a plastic bin (105 qt - 116qt) size depending on how many I got. Used to use shaving but they get it in their water & water gets all over the place. Then I tried disposable bed liners, they still get water all over however I found it easier to clean and not as "messy". Not sure what the outside temp is in your area but you should be able to move them out in a secure room/building with a MHP. Once they're feathered, hope you got a coop for them ready, a lot of work until then.

Just 12 hours old and using a horizontal nipple already.


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