stock tanks for swimming?


Mar 11, 2010
right now i have a 3ft kiddie pool that my duck and goose share. its gets pretty gross at the end of the day and i have to dump it each night (wastes a bunch of water). i was planning on getting them a 6 ft kiddie pool and digging it into the run at ground level. then when it was time to refill i could use the syphoning method with a hose. the problem is in the winter they wouldn't be able to swim because the pool would freeze. i also don't like how the kiddie pools are so shallow that they cant dive under and in stead its long and takes up lots of space.
so now im starting to think about a large stock tank for them to use. i could buy one of those stock tank filters and heaters that twirl around and stuck up particles. the stock tanks seem like they would last way longer then a cheap kiddie pool. they are also deeper and don't take up s much room. what size would you recommend? im thinking 150-300 gallons
so do you think a stock tank would work for them. and how often would i have to refill it if their was a filter?
My ducks like to dive in a circle motion, and I think those butterfly ponds are not that good when it comes to their diving. I have a large stock tank for my koi fish, but it takes for ever to fill it up and the filtration is really only good for the fish. You may have to consider getting one of those pool cleaners for above ground swimming pools. They push way more water volume then any of the fish filters out there that are still affordable. For now I still to the large kiddie pools with drainage valve.
That filter cannot handle it. I have a 150 gallon tank tank and I have a cannister filter with charcoal in it. That is just enough for the fish, for ducks you will need something much larger and they are expensive. Taking out the debris is one thing, the ammonia/nitrate running free in the water from the poo another one. That is what algae feed on, so you need something that neutralizes it. The vac will get the debris, but not the free ammonia. You will need a serious filtration system.
I have a a large swimming pool and, have had fish ponds.. filtration is a nightmare in standard conditions..the thought of trying to filter duck water is beyond my patience and budget(and I'm a very good DIYr).

A small stock tank would be a solid investment but, don't expect it to stay clean;) Maybe along with that filter/heater you could use a shopvac with brush tip for weekly clean? I believe duck pond would even overload a pool sand filter.
First: Dirty water. Ducks and geese will get the water dirty in MINUTES. They like to dip their beaks in the muck around the water source and then rinse it off in the water. It is somewhat pointless to try to keep it clean. It is mostly muck as opposed to poop, so it looks worse than it is. I let mine sit for a few days before I put a pump in it attached to a hose and then use the water on my tomato plants. They are doing GREAT! (the tomatoes that is).

Second: You have to consider how the ducks are going to be able to get OUT of the water source. I lost two Rouens to drowning in a kiddie pool within the first week I had it as they could not get out despite having put concrete blocks inside as steps. I don't think the ducks would be able to get out of a stock tank which has completely vertical sides even if you buried it to the rim in the ground. They need a gradual incline on the bottom such as would be found in a natural pond. The best thing would be to get one of those pre-formed ponds which have ledges to put plants on. That way the ducks can stand on the ledge to get out. These are pricey though. A moderately sized one will run you about $100.

Third: Ducks really don't need to have water to swim in at all, but they do seem to really enjoy it when it is provided. In Winter, just don't give them anything and they will be fine.

The other alternative is to dig a natural pond.
I love my pond set up.. my water bill is about 20 to 30 more a month but I change the water every 2 days..... but it works soooo slick... I am putting a stock tank heater in it this winter to keep it from freezing... the way its set up it gets diirty from phooo ,and I throw treats (peas,corn,lettuce ,tomatoes) in every day... but theres no mud or grass this way...
I had a pond liner pond for my ducks and I was able to keep it relatively clean using a skippy filter (see link in sig). I bought a stock tank for the ducks now that they have to stay in a covered run to avoid being hawk food. One of the goofy hens laid an egg in the water and we didn't know it. BLACK nasty water!!! Ewww.

We have a skippy filter on the stock tank too but it is NOT enough to keep the water clean. I am thinking I need to triple the size of my filter (or put 2 more smaller filters in series). I know from my first pond it can be done, but it does take work and tinkering.

As for how they get in and out, I have a large muck bucket with some holes drilled in it that is upside-down inside the tank and a large piece of paving stone sits on top of it. It sits about 4 inches below the water line. They hop on the rock, then hop on the edge of the stock tank, and then there is a raised deck outside the tank. The whole tank is also down in the ground a bit...about 2'.
now im thinking i should just get a stock tank with a drain and drain it once or twice a week. i could add a ramp to get in and out for them. i would probably get a 150 gallon size

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