Stockton CA Pacific Poultry Breeders Assoc Show 1/28 - 1/29/12

Turns out i can't go...
add one to the Duck Nook list if not too late!

I'm bringing a box or two, but the 4Hers always sell boxes as a fund raiser, with shavings.

Room for 3 more peeps from Santa Rosa area... leaving home around 7AM, returning after the raffle. Not supposed to carry birds inside hubby's truck, but hopefully if I put charcoal paper in the boxes he'll never know.

See you there!
Green BYC Sweatshirt/Grey Dodge pickup.
No problem Laurie, I told them 20 to 30 and you just made 19 so we are still good. Now if we go past 30 then we may have an issue but I think they wouldn't mind at all.
I can't sleep. I didn't get out of here in time to rent a room and just get up and get to the show. Now I just can't sleep. Took a shower to see if that helped. Nope. Was going to go out and feed and water so no one ran out while I was gone. Nope not done. Weird noises and voices outside, so I'll have to run out last minute. No water waterers are empty, but some of these birds, like my Games have been scarfing lately.

Tried to figure out the darn auction to out up some eggs, but it was too frustrating.

I'm going to be so tired at the show. Wonder if I can get Starbucks to deliver.

Sunny, we're going to miss you! Hope you're all hanging in there.
Can't wait to see everyone!

Got the hotel last night and we are dragging everything in through the side door (I have chicks so really didn't want to bring them through the front door past reception!) and then we are almost done and the door locks. Well I'm standing there, waiting and waiting and larry never comes back to get me....I'm getting really angry at this point, because I don't even know the room number or have a key, so finally I go all around the building and go to reception to try to figure out where I am supposed to go.

So I'm prepared to be really angry and Larry, but I come in the room and he's already taken the chicks out of the box, put them in the cage/brooder, given them water, food and put a heat lamp on them....I melted...what a good chick daddy he is

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