Stop smoking support thread...

I decided to start this thread bc after joining several forums that were specifically for those that wanted to quit smoking I discovered that the people on them had seriously nasty attitudes (can't say I really blame them, but I couldn't stand everyone jumping down my throat just for asking a question). Not to mention everyone on the forums thought their way was the only right way to quit and it would constantly start fights that didn't help anyone. So, I figured my BYC peeps are about as cool as it gets and someone else had to want to quite too. Apparently lots of somebodies want to be smoke free ;)
Anyway, I'm still hanging in there and still having a few set backs, but I'm pleased to say that I can breathe and taste SO much better! And my teeth are whiter and my skin is clearer (which was the biggest thing I wanted to fix, being 26 and still getting acne was super embarrassing). I'm still working towards being 100% smoke free, but I'm getting there. I hope everyone else is still doing well too!
Good Luck to all of you! I'm glad there is a thread for this on BYC! I was a pack a day smoker for about 13 years (even throughout 2 pregnancies I'm ashamed to admit). Right now I am on my second quit and have been cig free for over a year!!! I live by the motto "N.O.P.E"- Not One Puff Ever! It helps me get through cravings (yes even after 14 months, I still have them every once in a while!)
Quitters are Awesome!
Two thumbs up wasn't enough! Congratulations! I love the N.O.P.E. motto! I will definitely remember that.
Good Luck to all of you! I'm glad there is a thread for this on BYC! I was a pack a day smoker for about 13 years (even throughout 2 pregnancies I'm ashamed to admit). Right now I am on my second quit and have been cig free for over a year!!! I live by the motto "N.O.P.E"- Not One Puff Ever! It helps me get through cravings (yes even after 14 months, I still have them every once in a while!)
Quitters are Awesome!

After I quit, the need to smoke came at me in waves. The longer I stayed off the cigs the less frequent these waves came, but like you, it took a little over a year to completely ditch the urge. The encouraging thing about that length of time is that after a couple of months, I got use to dealing with the urge to smoke – to the point that it became an automatic reflex; so dealing with those urges was easy – even to the point that I was hardly aware of them. The bulk of that first year wasn’t all that difficult for me.
It just seems so strange to me that after the first two weeks of quitting, all of the nicotine is out of our systems; so why all of the problems quitting beyond that time? What is addiction anyway?
I really like your "N.O.P.E." motto! There comes a time when you just have to put your foot down and get stubborn!
That’s all right, TacomaFarms, life often kicks our feet out from under us, but just like you, we get back up and continue on. Keep trying – if you do, you will eventually find a way. I did and so can you. How long did you manage to stay off the cigs this round?
Hay, guess what gg706! DW told me that she is thinking about trying the E-cigs! I told her about your successful experience with them, and I suppose it has been fermenting in her mind. She said she might try it this April.
Sorry I have not been to this thread in awhile. It dropped off my radar after I started in with a broody and was posting questions and such, so this thread went to the next page. I happened to think about it tonight and am glad I did..... I am SO happy to hear your wife is considering giving it a shot!
I will tell you over the last month I ran out of juice. I thought I had more than I had so I put in my order in a hurry! The order did not come in quick enough and I ran completely out...I tried to smoke a cigarette as we were having a few drinks and the urge kicked in. Oh MY, IT WAS SO HORRIBLE. I took a couple of drags and put it out! I couldn't even fathom how I ever thought that tasted good! So I resigned to dealing with it until my juice came in, took about 3 days.
I again chose not to smoke even when faced with no alternative. I will possibly be a vaper for quite awhile into the future but I WILL NEVER be a smoker again ...EVER!
If you have any questions or want suggestions please feel free to PM me.
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Sorry I have not been to this thread in awhile. It dropped off my radar after I started in with a broody and was posting questions and such, so this thread went to the next page. I happened to think about it tonight and am glad I did..... I am SO happy to hear your wife is considering giving it a shot!
I will tell you over the last month I ran out of juice. I thought I had more than I had so I put in my order in a hurry! The order did not come in quick enough and I ran completely out...I tried to smoke a cigarette as we were having a few drinks and the urge kicked in. Oh MY, IT WAS SO HORRIBLE. I took a couple of drags and put it out! I couldn't even fathom how I ever thought that tasted good! So I resigned to dealing with it until my juice came in, took about 3 days.
I again chose not to smoke even when faced with no alternative. I will possibly be a vaper for quite awhile into the future but I WILL NEVER be a smoker again ...EVER!
If you have any questions or want suggestions please feel free to PM me
That’s good to read, gg706! I guess it really comes down to the point when you finally see cigarettes for what they are – when you finally slam and lock the door on them, can you think of yourself as a non-smoker. For those who are currently trying to quit, you can read about all the different ways we quitters have done it, but when you get to the point when you say, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!” (when your back hairs are up) that is when you will find your own way – whatever way it is, you will make it work!
I would like to follow this thread for a while. Even though I quit smoking so very long ago, I have a growing interest in this subject as my second DW smokes. I don’t nag her about it, but I do worry about it hurting her. She isn’t as far along as you folks as she doesn’t want to quit – wanting to quit is the first step, and it isn’t something I can do for her. She knows I would like her to quit, but that is as far as I take it. It is like walking on eggs. I know how defensive people can get with this subject. What was it that make you folks want to quit?

I didn't want to husband did. So he said we're going to use these e cigs and stop smoking, and I protested...he said we would quit together...I stopped smoking a year ago this November, and he still wanting to quit isn't really necessary with the e cigs. And even if you are trading one addiction for another nicotine is no more harmful than caffeine and we intake that most days without batting an what the hey? As long as you aren't breathing in something that's on fire you aren't frying your breathing passages and that healthy enough for me. I enjoyed smoking and being a smoker...without a healthy pacifier I will go right back to real cigarettes. I know this because I have quit for over a year 3 times before this, and then just started back one day...I like smoking... With the e cigs I can enjoy "smoking" without all the drawbacks... I enjoy the fruity flavors. Propylene glycol has a sweet taste to it that nothing can mask, so I just take advantage of it. I'm hooked on peach right now
Yes Exactly! I told myself at first if I want to smoke, I can use my E cigarette as much as I want. I felt a freedom I was missing with regular cigarettes. Because everytime I lit up I worried about my haunted me. I can enjoy my e cig and not worry about what I am doing to myself. It also does not put an odor all over my clothes, hair, etc. So I can hug my kids after vaping and not worry about the stench! I really encourage people out there who feel they can not quit smoking to try vaping it is SO much better. Taste, "smoking" experience, lifestyle and health have all been improved by my switch to e cigarettes. Make sure you get a good unit to start out with and dont waste your money on the little ones that "look" like cigarettes.
I didn't want to husband did. So he said we're going to use these e cigs and stop smoking, and I protested...he said we would quit together...I stopped smoking a year ago this November, and he still wanting to quit isn't really necessary with the e cigs. And even if you are trading one addiction for another nicotine is no more harmful than caffeine and we intake that most days without batting an what the hey? As long as you aren't breathing in something that's on fire you aren't frying your breathing passages and that healthy enough for me. I enjoyed smoking and being a smoker...without a healthy pacifier I will go right back to real cigarettes. I know this because I have quit for over a year 3 times before this, and then just started back one day...I like smoking... With the e cigs I can enjoy "smoking" without all the drawbacks... I enjoy the fruity flavors. Propylene glycol has a sweet taste to it that nothing can mask, so I just take advantage of it. I'm hooked on peach right now
Missnu01, you have quit smoking for a full year and yet have returned to the habit – and you did this three times? For me, that is hard to understand, but then we human beings are never easy to understand anyway.

Was it easy for you to quit those three times? It was for me, but only after I made the attempt a final act in my mind. How was it for you – those three times?

I want my wife to quit, mainly for health reasons. Her father died of prostate cancer and I worry that she may have a disposition towards cancer. I lost my first wife to health problems, and I don’t think I can go through that again. We tend to think of death in abstract terms – that is, until it is standing there in front of you. Smoking is a serious business.
Another reason I want her to quit is because it puts a harness on her life. She doesn’t like to dine out on special occasions, nor does she like going to a movie now and then. This is because she can’t smoke during these times. I can’t share these things with her.

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