Stop smoking support thread...

I quit after 25 years of 1-2 packs a day. The nicotine gum worked for me. For the first couple of days I would smoke 5 cigs and chew gum in between. After 3 or 4 days of doing that, I went to gum only. After a week of gum only I switched to regular chewing gum. It's been over 2 months now and honestly I have no real desire to pick them up any more. I know it's hard, but you can do it. Good luck to you!
Yes Exactly! I told myself at first if I want to smoke, I can use my E cigarette as much as I want. I felt a freedom I was missing with regular cigarettes. Because everytime I lit up I worried about my haunted me. I can enjoy my e cig and not worry about what I am doing to myself. It also does not put an odor all over my clothes, hair, etc. So I can hug my kids after vaping and not worry about the stench! I really encourage people out there who feel they can not quit smoking to try vaping it is SO much better. Taste, "smoking" experience, lifestyle and health have all been improved by my switch to e cigarettes. Make sure you get a good unit to start out with and dont waste your money on the little ones that "look" like cigarettes.

Hay gg706! So what do you recommend a first time vaper to buy? I think you mentioned this before, but can't find it.
Thursday is my birthday. I decided it's also the day I quit. Happy birthday to me. A couple of glorified weeks of being a monster for my family!

I quit for new years last year. I did really good too. Ended up hitting the 3 month mark.
Then my dog died and relapse happened.
For weeks I heard "Oh, big deal. Your dog died... poor excuse blah blah smoking blah shouldn't do that anyway blah blah..."
Yeah. My dog died. He was my best friend and we both went thru hell and back. I will share that story another time. It's a good one.

What it boiled down to was a lack of support. The day before my dog suddenly died, I had just dropped my man off at the train station so he could be states away helping a friend build a unit in his house for the mother in law and he was gone for 3 weeks. My man is my rock. With him gone, I had nothing except my dog's empty bed and salty tears. That was when I learned that it's hard to cry while smoking.

I'm ready again. Last time I quit, I researched the **** out of what it does to you and what is really in those suckers.
About how quitting affects your brain by triggering the same receptors as one quitting heroin!
Great. Because Trainspotting was an awesome motivation flick.
I'll be back when I'm quitting. I hope I don't see any babies crawling across the ceiling!
@ DennisK
It really depends on your budget. My advice would be to purchase a unit from Provape.
Provape 1 or a Provari....they are not cheap. The kit for a provape 1 is $129.00. The Provari is more expensive, it is a variable voltage personal vaporizer, you can change the power to get more flavor and vapor depending on what juice you are using. By the time you get your Provari, batteries, and charger you will be around the $300.00 range. I purchased the upgraded Pila charger and it is worth it. So my purchase of my Provari, batteries and charger were not the Provari kit, as the kit comes with cheaper charger. I also purchased a very nice tank (holds the liquid you are vaping) from Vaperflexion, called the ProV. It is also expensive but it a quality piece that will last, it was $60.00 if I remember correctly. You will also need extra Boge 3ohm cartomizers to be replaced as necessary, those can also be purchased from Vaperflexion. The cartomizers actually vaporize the fluid and need to replaced about every 2 weeks as they get worn out. She will know to replace it when the flavor and vapor output performance is dropping.

I would HIGHLY advise NOT to purchase any of the little stick like E cigs (that look most like a cigarette) They do not hold a charge very long and require a 3 hour charge ALL the time...It is VERY frustrating!!!!! If she stays on vaping you WILL eventually be purchasing more equipment. I had 2 chargers, 4 -5 batteries and they could not keep up. I would have saved ALOT of money had I skipped the little cigarette looking devices and went straight to my Provari. The provari is ALOT less trouble and maintenance which will also will keep her from getting frustrated with it and wanting to go back to cigarettes because it is easier. It is a big adjustment from a little light weight cigarette to a large heavier PV, but after you get used to it, it isnt a big deal. I would probably purchase the
Provape 1 at the cheaper price and then later purchase the provari and keep the provape 1 as her back up if something were to ever happen to her provari she would not be without and tempted to go back to cigarettes.

Get some Halo juice (I have tried all of the tobacco flavors...I like Tribeca and Captain Jack) Finding a juice that she likes is a HUGE part of sticking with it. I get my juice from Smokey Mountain Vapor, tobacco flavor. There are thousands of juices out there from many suppliers. Some of them are REALLY bad! Do not let that discourage her...I have tried more bad juices than good. Halo has some good juices...that is what I started out on and I still order some from time to time. But Tobacco flavor from Smokey Mountain Vapor is my everyday, go to flavor. My neighbors use evcigarette juice Red USA mix as it tastes like a cigarette to them. I have not tried that juice but it smells like a cigarette. Any more questions please feel free to ask. The ecig world is rather confusing, full of acronyms and strange words. When I started I had NO idea what I was doing, but found my way. She will too, and will be glad in the end she made the change.
Good Luck and let us know how it goes!
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I quit after 25 years of 1-2 packs a day. The nicotine gum worked for me. For the first couple of days I would smoke 5 cigs and chew gum in between. After 3 or 4 days of doing that, I went to gum only. After a week of gum only I switched to regular chewing gum. It's been over 2 months now and honestly I have no real desire to pick them up any more. I know it's hard, but you can do it. Good luck to you!

Don’t drop your guard, gbounds2007! All in all, quitting will be fairly easy, but then one day you will be going about your business and out of the blue, WAM – you’ll get a strong urge to light up. All you need to do is expect it; so when it comes, you will be able to deal with it. Eventually, those ambushes will come to you less frequently and then they will stop all together.
This is very good and very thorough advice, gg706! Thank you very much! I'll shop on line and make it a gift to her.
Was your switch to vaping clean, or was there a period of some smokes and some vaping?
Thank you I am glad it was helpful.
Yes I chose to go clean..... I told myself when my e cig, juice, and everything I need arrives, the cigarettes are GONE! When I had everything I needed I destroyed my cigarettes and began vaping. It took about 2 weeks to acclimate to it. Although I never really had a bad craving for a cigarette. I had the little stick type e cigarettes which do not perform as well as the good stuff. I guess the size of them though possibly made the transition a little easier as they are comparable to an analog (real cigarette). However I spent SO much money trying to make them work. I almost went back to cigarettes because of the frustration and having to continuously purchase new batteries and multiple chargers. I would just buy a good quality personally vaporizer to begin with and save yourself the trouble, frustration and money. The chargers etc that you buy are not interchangeable with other batteries or brands of e cigs. So once you purchase you are stuck purchasing from that company. Unless you buy a whole new setup. Which is what I did when I switched from stick e cigs to a personal vaporizer.
My provari uses actual rechargeable hi drain batteries that are easy to remove and charge in less than an hour. So you purchase 2, one to charge and then a back up to use while the other is charging. You use the same battery until it is drained to lengthen the life of your batteries. The light on the e cig will blink letting you know it is getting low and then cutoff at some point, at that time you know to charge it. Since purchasing my provari,approx 6 months ago, I have never been frustrated or had to buy any batteries or anything extra. Eventually my rechargeable batteries will need to be replaced at less than $20.00 a piece, so no big deal. It has worked flawlessly and I will purchase another one for a backup soon.
Wanted to add there are MANY videos on youtube of people testing Provaris and other e cig devices, juices, tanks, cartomizers etc. for you to watch and get an idea of what we are talking about. So she will know what to expect.
BTW I would not advise ordering juice from is terrible! I threw it in the garbage.
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Wanted to say I think it is the BEST gift you could give to her! A gift of a longer, healthier, life. As well as a huge lifestyle change! She can vape and not stink. Her clothes, hair, hands will never stink like a cigarette ever again. I am excited to hear of the result. If she gives it 2 weeks and a fair chance she will leave the cigarettes behind and not look back.
@dennisK Have you gotten any headway on getting her to make the switch? Did you purchase a unit yet? How is it going?
Hi gg706! She doesn’t like the Provan because it doesn’t look like a cigarette. If she does go to vaping, she may have to go through the same process you did, and I’m not sure she doesn’t have the determination you had. She must want to quit cigarettes, and I am not sure she does. All of the “want” may be from me only, and that won’t work. This is a difficult thing to give, as gifts come with an expectation of use, and if she really doesn’t want to quit tobacco - well, I would be pushing when I shouldn’t. So, this is my plan: I will put a ribbon around $400 and give it to her with the stipulation that it is only to be used for supplies to help her quit cigarettes. It can stay there in her possession until she is ready to use it. The rest will have to be up to her.
My sister was addicted to drugs. She would continually get into trouble, and I would get calls from strangers who would inform me that she needed my help. They would give me her address, and I would go there, frightened for her, and angry. We would argue and as hard as I could push reason, she would push back equally hard with nonsense. I was never able to help her. But then, one day I received one of those calls and an address. I had been flying small aircraft during that time; so I reserved a Cessna, and I showed up at her door. “Hey Sis! Come have lunch with me. I know a place we can fly to.” Here in California, there is a small airport near a historical park in the Sierras where a pleasant meal can be had. I said nothing about her problems. We were just brother and sister going out for a meal. I showed her the airport I was flying from, we flew out over the bay area, over the central valley and into the Sierras. During lunch and during our flight, no mention of troubles was made. I took her home and thanked her for the day – that was all. The next day, she checked herself into rehab.
I know that an addiction to cigarettes isn’t considered as serious as hard drugs, but they are both addictions, and all the logic in the world, all the force you can apply wouldn’t get an addicted person to truly quit. Sometimes, all you can do is be there for them.

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