Stopped getting subscription emails


Veggie Chick
13 Years
Mar 22, 2010
Saratoga County, NY
Not getting any emails about subscribed topics for two days now, nor am I getting PM notifications. Tried setting all to site only then setting back to 'immediate' but that didn't seem to fix it. Any ideas?
I haven't gotten any in months. Not going to bother because I have AOL, and can't take the brain stress about computers.
And haven't gotten messages about PMs in weeks, used to since the platform change, but again, I am on so much, I found out soon enough.
My subscriptions are coming in spurts. I will get them for a day or two and then it stops. I just get online to BYC and check everything out! :)

Still not getting anything. Deleted ALL of my subs and re-subscribed to just a few, just in case I hit up against some sort of limit? Barring that, I suppose I could change to another email and change back just to see if that helps.

ETA: ok, changed my email. No luck yet, but maybe it takes time. :)

ETA2: Woot! Got a sub notice after changing my email. Not sure why, but ok.
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I don't know who you were using for email before, but the current email address you're using (in your profile) is from a pretty solid / reputable provider.
The one before was an earthlink address I've been using for umm.. Wow, have to think.. Probably 15+ years? It forwards to the address I have in my profile now so all is good. Not sure what happened there. :)

ETA: Wow, I'm good. Just checked to make sure I was paid up on that address (and yes, I am - all my email goes through it) - signed up in 1997.
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Thanks for the great feedback and info! I've passed the details along to our engineering team to see if we can track down the reasons why AOL and Earthlink tend to not be as friendly with our email servers as Gmail, etc.
As of this morning I am AGAIN not getting e-mails to subscribed threads or PM's.


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