
Crossing the Road
14 Years
Sep 19, 2009
Holts Summit, Missouri
Over last four days my nephew has had depredations purpitrated by two white female bull dogs, one is pitbull while second probable cross over other by another dog breed such as dalmation or a spotted pointer of some sort. Identity was not determined until second visit although was suspected by another neighbor based on dogs seen in area at correct time. On first visit dogs visited while nephew at work. They demolished pen and injured hen and rooster it contained. Birds will survive but show quality they will never be again. Nephew informed owner of dogs of their activities. Neighbor insisted his dogs not involved, Neighbor and his dogs have done similar to another owner of poultry in area without compensation or stopping of dogs activities. Next day pen was repaired and I instructed placement of a lower value bird in pen. As I went to work, dogs came back and I got out of vehicle and attempted to drive them off by hand. I had to literally yank younger one off already crushed pen and it snapped at me. If dog wanted a go, then I would have won fight there but it backed down and trotted off after elder that was heading towards home. Both looked back at me as I walked briskly after them. I assumed they were going home. I got on bike and drove to owners home and found many other dogs running about plus older female but younger was not observed. Not finding owner I proceeded to work. At end of work day nephew informed me pen was attacked again and rooster was dismembered with feather trail heading in direction dogs left in earlier. We expect dogs to repeat depredations and do not want losses of higher value birds. Upgrading defenses against dogs will expensive and not timely enough to prevent further losses. I expect losses to continue unless something is done. Another low value rooster was placed in pen after it was again repaired. Nephew has been charged over weekend with stopping dogs if they return with lethal force. He must photograph dogs harassing birds and attempting to get at rooster in pen. He then is to shoot with intent to kill, not maime or otherwise hurt dog in manner that could result in veterinary bills, Photograph is to help cover his butt in the event a dog escapes. Sub-lethal force would be preferred and likely be effective but owing to owners knowledge of possible actors (nephew or I), the potential legal recourse could then be decidely against us owing to how laws operate. Owner of dogs will not be informed of our success or failure but hopefully reasonable doubt will increase odds owner will see to limiting threat posed by his dogs to livestock of others.
I can't stand when people do not keep their animals on their own property but I don't think I could kill it.

Have you informed your neighbor that you will take action if the dogs are there again.? Also I worry that if you do something to their dog then they will retaliate on your animals.

My neighbors dog has killed my other neighbors chickens numerous times because he thinks it's ok to let his dog run at night. Well once the dog has that taste they aren't going to forget where they got the good chicken dinner from.

I work in law office and have actually seen cases that got pretty severe by someone protecting their property and shooting at a neighbor dog who was everywhere but his own yard. The dog owner retaliated and things really got out of hand. Neighbors can be the worst. Try electric fence also. Once they get a little shock they may stay away a bit.
Yeah, if you can shoot them on the quiet, well and good. Nobody should have to put up with other peoples animals coming onto their property.
But...... I also believe that we have an obligation to make our properties pest and predator proof.

Cheers...........The Dog
You would think that down here in Louisiana the law would understand the need to protect ones property. We have a young man in jail right now for killing a Pit Bull that kept coming in his yard and growling at him. he had reported it and nothing was done by the parish (county for you non-Cajuns). This guy is being held on $26,000 bond!

Be careful and quiet.
You have to do what you have to do. I use hot wire to keep dogs away/off of my pens. BUT, my husband has NO trouble dispatching a dog who comes onto our property and does that kind of damage and or harm. A friendly dog, sniffing around will be held and sent off with animal control. Aggressive dogs attempting to attack my animals or threatening us... that situation leaves no choice but to remove the problem at the moment by whatever means necessary.
Some dogs can and do roam without causing trouble to livestock or gardening. Those I tolerate. Somewhat of a problem is all go through a stage where some trouble is caused and it needs to be stopped quickly. With proper training the trouble making can be stopped and the dog becomes a model member of rural society. Dogs that tend to do best in that regard are not confined as much, do have some sort of purpose involving people (i.e. hunting, herding) and are familiar with all sorts of livestock. Dogs penned up all the time without outlets for energy and mental stimulation tend to be problematic and such dogs can be effectively ruined if owner does not effort to train and excersise them. Dogs are more of an investment than most people realize. They are more than pets. They have smarts as well.
You neighbor insist his dog was not involved so i guess he won't miss it when it is gone, SSS and be done with it cause as you see they will keep comming back till you do something.

Hot wires are good but if they are not place right a dog can get around them, my dogs jump rite over the wire around my gardens but it is the chickens i am trying to keep out so they do not scrach out all the mulch around my plants.

So sorry for all your losses, hope you can put a stop to this one way or another.
No way I'd tolerate someone's dog killing my chickens. I'd shoot MY OWN dog for killing chickens, so there's be no qualms over someone else's for sure! If I needed to do it quietly, I'd slip an arrow through it...

You folks that worry over the legality of everything you do....where do you draw the line? When do you decide enough's enough? When the dog kills 1 chicken? 2 chickens? A dozen? Granted I live out in the sticks, and don't have neighbors to deal with, but I can't see tolerating a chicken-killing dog. ANY predator that attacks my flock is doomed.

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