Strange lump on my hens back


In the Brooder
Jan 30, 2015
My girl has been loosing feathers, and skin has been very red. I have searched for mites, nothing. One of the other girls has some feather loss, but she is not red..
But then I noticed this lump (I don't believe it's the oil gland, I saw that, and it is fine)..
What could be going on here? My poor girl
Bubble is a feather cyst I know cause last year my toulouse goose molted and that is exactly what it looked like not the red though that's definitely irratated It was a pain for me to remove his feather cyst I used alcohol to disinfect then pulled it and believe me there is allot of feather in that one only problem is if you leave any feather particles behind it will get infected I got lucky with one swift pull on mr.jackson last year allot of people say once they cyst everytime they regrow chances are it's gonna happen every yearly molt
So clean non cheap tweezers alcohol bacitration..and you gotta look it up first but I think some cortisone 10 will make that bird a happier one

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