STRANGEST phenomon. what?! can chickens incubate eggs internally?

Internal incubation for them is like us laying an egg. Biologically impossible for a whole host of reasons. It's much more likely that one of your hens was incubating a secret nest somewhere. Post pics of the chick and maybe it's a wild bird (squirrels can move wild chicks around)
Yes, think about it. Internal incubation is an impossibility, but we humans, making a mistake or not seeing a nest somewhere, very possible even if you think it's unlikely. Or you made a mistake identifying the type of bird since it was mangled.
No, no eggs couldnt been hidden in the bedding material, and besides, the chick was found about 30 feet away from the coop

im 99.9% sure it was a chicken, it was fully formed, had down, but its leg was broken.
No feral chickens either. They wouldnt last a day with all the predators out here in the woods.
Like i said earlier, I'm 1000% percent sure that non of my hens were, or are, hiding eggs anywhere, there is simply nowhere for them to hide, they are cooped up 24/7 due to too many predators around. my run is completely bare, with no where for anything to hide, the henhouse is 5x7 and pretty much bare as well. I collect eggs daily and am always watching my chickens and since eggs dont develop without a hen on top of them, i defintely wouldve noticed that, it would be impossible to overlook, especially in my setup.
Then we have to consider that either 1) what you found wasn't a baby chicken or 2) a baby chicken was brought from a distance away. Before you discount #2, consider that some raptors with young in the nest may not immediately consume prey items. Also, if a raptor has learned to visit a neighbor's chicken coop, your coop is a logical next stopping point.

Am very intrigued. Would have liked to see a photo of the chick you found.
Is it at all possible that this could have been from a wild turkey, quail, pheasant or some such? That's the only other possibility I can think of. Maybe hatched somewhere else and dropped by a predator.

Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

and I vote someone's cat dropped it. Cats will carry their prey around for a while and sometimes drop it unintentionally. Poor baby.

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