Strangest thing, flock stopped laying

I believe I’ve figured it out. I checked the crops of several hens and they seemed fine. I then looked at the water bucket which had water in it, and realized they hadn’t been drinking enough. I checked the nipples and they seemed clogged. When I gave them a pan of water they were all over it. I think they were dehydrated. My guess is they will start laying in a day or two.
That was going to be my next question, only thing that could cause a mass stoppage.
Glad you figured it out.
Geez, the flock has been well watered this last week and they are still not laying. Its been more than 2 weeks. I can't figure out whats going on. None of the hens seem sick.
Did you every figure this out?

I’m in Westchester NY. 5/6 of my girls completely stopped laying. All acting fine otherwise. The only thing I’ve noticed is that two of them have dirty butts so I treated them for mites. Waiting to see if that will affect anything.
I have 10 Rhode Island Reds. They are just over 12 months old. They were laying fine all winter, and then things [picked up quite a bit for a few weeks, laying almost 9 or 10 a day, sometimes, and then about 10 days ago they suddenly stopped laying - not a single egg in 10 days. I had started feeding them dandelion greens, and had given them a large quantity just before they stopped. They have had the same food since they started laying - Country Feeds Layer. Maybe one of the chickens is molting. None are sick and none have died. I live in northern CT. I even put a lock on the coop just in case someone might have been filching them. Any thoughts?
I am suddenly going through the same thing with our hens and its not a hidden nest. Ours suddenly stopped laying 2 days ago. We have 17 hens.
I have 10 Rhode Island Reds. They are just over 12 months old. They were laying fine all winter, and then things [picked up quite a bit for a few weeks, laying almost 9 or 10 a day, sometimes, and then about 10 days ago they suddenly stopped laying - not a single egg in 10 days. I had started feeding them dandelion greens, and had given them a large quantity just before they stopped. They have had the same food since they started laying - Country Feeds Layer. Maybe one of the chickens is molting. None are sick and none have died. I live in northern CT. I even put a lock on the coop just in case someone might have been filching them. Any thoughts?
I am suddenly going through the same thing with our hens and its not a hidden nest. Ours suddenly stopped laying 2 days ago. We have 17 hens.
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I was just thinking about how ours have stopped laying too and it started two days ago. I was wondering if due to the temperature outside has been in the 90's everyday lately with several days at 100 if this is causing stress which is causing them not to lay till they get use to the hotter temperatures now that summer weather is here. Any thoughts

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