Straw or shavings?


In the Brooder
Mar 11, 2017
My coop is under construction as well, is it better to have shavings or straw as bedding? This is the design I'm going to try!
Very nice - welcome!
I have/do use both. For chicks I use pine shavings until they are around 6 weeks or so. Then I change over to chopped straw and I use that in all my coops, except the disabled coop. I have a chicken with severe mobility problems so I use the straw as bedding and shavings for the rest of the coop - it's easier for him to navigate.
The choice is yours - just don't use strong smelling shavings such as cedar for chicks.
I use shavings, and some hay or straw in the nest boxes. It gets pulled out into the shavings on the floor, no problem. Straight hat or straw tends to mat down and be yucky. Maybe the chopped straw works well, I've never used it. Mary
Please help my turkey polts are eating straw like crazzy ive tried shavings also and they eat it also im kinda ****** been staying up all night to make sure they all make it threw night time they are 3 weeks old and wamna eat more than there feed
My coop is under construction as well, is it better to have shavings or straw as bedding? This is the design I'm going to try!

I use pine shavings in the coop and straw in the run. Works great, especially if your run is covered. I compost in the run and do deep litter in the coop during the winter.

Bedding can be a somewhat controversial topic. No harm in tinkering and figuring out what works for you.

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