Stray cat


12 Years
Jul 30, 2007
syr New york
Someone dumped a bunch of kittens near our house and now there is this cat that dosen't seem to want to leave our yard! Iv tried to catch it but its pretty fast. any advice in catching it without a live trap?
No idea on catching it without a live trap. Why not use one? Call your local animal shelter or ASPCA and see if they have one to loan?
Sorry I don't have a better idea.
we had a stray that lived behind the garage and a can of tuna fish and a dish of milk placed where we needed her to go was enough to get her out of hiding...
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I too have a stray cat. Not to worried about catching him though. I call him Hungry, I keep a dish of cat food on the front porch for the house cats during the summer. They spend almost the entire summer outside. He just came and started eating and since the cats don't chase him off and I have never seen him be mean to any of them. So, he can hang out and eat some food, But can not come in the house. I wish he would go down to the barn, but I think the barn cats chase him off.
well i think i chased him off...o well

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