Stray chicken. She's a beauty! Need opinions.

She is full of surprises! I feel like the girl on Gone With the Wind: "I don't know nothin bout birthin babies!". Lol

I did pet her even if it was against her will. Lol but I don't think she will ever be a lap chicken. That's OK though. She's still my supermodel baby.
Doubt she'll ever be my cuddle bug. But I kind of relate to her independent nature and that wild streak. Gosh I'm waxing poetic about a chicken, for goodness sake! Hahahaha
Just found out that some of the eggs my dad got for Gretel are going to be game chickens! Not 100% sure but we'll see in 16 days. I am going to be up the creek trying to build a nursery run and coop for them since my fiance is out on the road working for 6 weeks though! Gonna look like a ramshackle mess! I have no carpentry skills.

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