Stray Turkey

I'm sure he won't live here forever, but I like him hanging around. He shows no aggression towards the chickens while they are in their run, but do you think he would if the chickens were roaming around?

Depends on the season. Breeding season makes birds grouchy and territorial. He may get ugly during that time.
I wondered if he was truly wild myself. He isn't sold white like many domesticated turkeys are. But he is so clam and friendly. I had some bread I was going to feed my chickens today and while he didn't eat it out of my hand, as soon as I put it on the ground, he walked over and ate it. It is not a problem for me to be 3 feet from him.

If he has any white on him he isn't wild.

Nothing in nature says eat me, like white does.
He may stay. Last spring a hen turkey started to hang around with my male peacock. At first I would only see her a little in the day but she would go some where else to roost. After a few weeks she started to roost in the same tree as the peacock. In June another hen turkey showed up with them. Now they are always around with the chickens and peafowl. They even go into the pens in the day to get out of the rain or snow. I free range. But at night they always go in the same tree by the house. They chase the chickens sometimes but no more then the chickens chase each other. They help protect the chickens. I have seen them and the peafowl chase hawks away. The first couple of week I could not get close they would fly away. Now they come very close to me but if I walk towards them they run. They will not eat bread when I give it to the peafowl and chicken they just look at it and walk away. Now the scraps I put out they will eat.
Maybe he will protect them like a rooster
.You should try to let them out but stay within arms reach just in case he gets aggressive
I have a blue Heron that has made my duck pond his home, I always that that was really cool. And its used to me watching my ducks swim now, so it doesn;t fly away anymore when I go out there.
Wow this is crazy. I have the same thing happening right now. The turkey at my house likes to hang out with my broody and her babies. I free range my chickens and when I went close the coop tonight the turkey wanted to roost with my chickens. They were not happy so I had to scoot the turkey out. I feel bad for her. I didn't know if it was a girl or a boy. Any way I went to my neighbors behind me to see if they knew of anyone with turkeys and it was his neighbor and he told me the doesn't really take care of his things. What should I do for this turkey? I feel bad for her. She seems sweet. It has been here for 3 days now and it won't go home. My chickens don't seem to mind it hanging around during the day but they made it very clear tonight that they don't want it in there coop.
I wondered if he was truly wild myself. He isn't sold white like many domesticated turkeys are. But he is so clam and friendly. I had some bread I was going to feed my chickens today and while he didn't eat it out of my hand, as soon as I put it on the ground, he walked over and ate it. It is not a problem for me to be 3 feet from him.

Pics Please!!
Don't know if it's a girl or boy? Put it this way, the Tom I saw out front yesterday, could never get in my coop. I bet that thing weighed 30 lbs.
But a hen could.

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