Stressed out chickens?

Pollitos Mami

In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 18, 2011
The Caribbean
Hi All!

I'm wondering: If I bring my chickens inside every night to sleep does that cause stress? In my country there are many predators that can and do find ways to break into the coops to kill/eat the chickens so I started bringing mine in the house and putting them in the spare room. Then I return them to the outside during the day. Is that causing them to be stressed so that they are not laying eggs? Because I believe they are at least 20 weeks old and they've never laid an egg.

Thanks for the help!

And just so you know, I read the links about laying and behaviors however those links are for chickens that have stopped laying mine has never laid an egg...
IMO, yes that type of arrangement could cause enough stress to prevent laying.

Have you looked over the coop pictures and descriptions in the coop building category of the forum? Even in areas with a multitude of predators it is possible to make a coop that is as safe as is humanly possible for the chickens to roost in at night.
What sort of things should I look for in my chickens? I don't know how to add pictures. Thanks Aoxa!

As for coops in my country we don't build coops and I frankly cannot afford to have one shipped from the states because A.) No reliable mail service and B.) To get one privately shipped is about $1,500. They are free range. But I cannot allow Pumas, Jaguars, or deadly lizards to kill them so they are safe inside the inside coop. But thanks Gritser!
Once they have done it for a while it will not stress them out, it will just be their routine. they may just not be old enough to lay yet, especially this time of year when the days are getting shorter. When they are close to laying age their combs and wattles will enlarge and become bright red, and they may start squatting on the ground at your feet.

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