stretching wings and legs


10 Years
Mar 14, 2010
My 3 or 4 day old chicks stretch their wings down and theirs legs out does this mean they need more space in their brooder? I'm worried that its some weird stretchy chicken disease lol. This is my first flock of chicks so I'm worried I wont know what to look for):
It is completely normal! My hens chicks that she hatched do this and they have a whole coop to play and run around in. Good luck with your chicks!
First of all, welcome to the flock! Now, chicks and even full grown birds will stretch when they get up from setting in one place for too long or after roosting on a bar. You will notice every single little thing your chicks do especially when you first get them. Don't be afraid to ask a question on here. We might not know the answer but somebody will. Hope you enjoy your little flock and welcome to the joys of raising chickens!
It's just like stretching when you've been sitting in front of the computer for too long... something I'm quite familiar with. :lol: Perfectly normal. Enjoy your chicks!
My mare used to be boarded where she was stalled overnight. I'd get there early sometimes and let her out of the stall. She'd walk out and stretch each of her hind legs out behind her, one at a time. Started calling it her ballerina stretch. Our dogs do the same stretch. Even the chickens do it! I've seen some of our hens get up, slowly walk off (first steps of the day) and stretch their little chicken foot out behind them as they take step. It's so cute!

I've even seen fish "yawn" (though it's probably for different reasons other than being sleepy) like others have said, perfectly normal, everyone stretches.
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The term I've heard for this is chicken yoga. And yeah, believe me, it's not a space issue. I've got four chicks in a 3'x5' brooder and they still do it! Wings, legs, everything.

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