

Duck love is recognizable in any language
Nov 26, 2018
London, UK
My Coop
My Coop
My female Pekin, Donald, has been “head stabbing” (I call it) for a while now and I’ve been wondering if it’s stretching, but it hurts when she “head stabs”!! She rapidly shakes(shivers) her head and then just, sticks out her head and BOOM! If she stabs you it hurts really bad! So what is this behavior?
My drakes do something like that. A couple of my females too. They shake, then jump up my arm with their bills and gently bite. I like to think it's a duck hug lol.
Do you think she's being aggressive or just an overly excited duck?
We have one female who does this as well, though it doesn't hurt she just shakes her head and shoves. Seems like it happens when she gets annoyed with us or one of her sisters (like if the other ducks are standing too close when they get treats).
She doesn't do it often. It makes me laugh so hard when she gets herself worked herself up to 'shove' me, such a tiny duck and she's like 'Take that human!'. Lol.

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