Strombergs v GuineaFarm for rare colors


8 Years
Dec 14, 2011
Marietta, GA
I am trying to find some rare colored guineas. I've read some saying Strombergs is the middle man for the Guinea Farm. However, the GF doesn't ship until April & Strombergs has chicks now; so how does that work? If I don't order now, I may miss out on the colors I want. However, I wonder about shipping day-olds from MN in February. I've not found any of the colours I want locally & do not want to miss out.

Any thoughts?
The Guinea Farm, hands down is THE best place to order rare colors from, period.

Stromberg's doesn't list any of the rare colors (just fancy, so who knows what you will get?), and their prices are higher than The Guinea Farm's too
I'd imagine if they are shipping keets out of MN already, then they must have heated and lighted breeding facilities. I'm sure they probably ship keets with heat packs in the box too... maybe. Doesn't take much of a chill to knock day old keets down tho, they are pretty fragile.

Good luck, hope you find the colors you are looking for!

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