Strong tasting eggs

Check to make sure that they aren't drinking any dirty water. If they are drinking from a dirty puddle or a stinky ditch, it could effect the egg taste. We had a problem with one hen laying stinky eggs. Then I saw that she preferred to drink the dirty duck water instead of the clean water in the chicken waterers.
Dare I say that I don't like the taste of our free-range eggs
They are SO STRONG tasting, it makes my stomach turn. I have issues with smells and I can smell the eggs when I'm cooking them and it's all over
Same with chicken, I can't stand the smell of raw chicken and I can't eat it if I've handled it raw.

Now my BCMs stay in their coop & run and only one is laying, and I've been eating her eggs and they are fine
I'm glad that I am not the only one who was a bit afraid to say that I can't handle the smell of the eggs. I had asked an earlier question because I thought some eggs smelled FISHY, maybe it's just a strong egg smell, but gross.
When we scrambled eggs yesterday, I had to smell each one and I threw out 3 eggs and then when the ones that I thought were ok were cooking I could smell them and could not eat them!
I also don't do well with smells. I don't let my chickens free range all the time just in the early evenings, so they will go to the coop on their own. I spoil them with lots of scraps, fruit, veggies, yogurt etc.

I don't know what to do. Luckily my husband doesn't have as good of a smeller, so he was able to eat them just fine.
Thanks for the replies everyone.

I am also wondering if I can age them in the refrigerator to get rid of the taste. People always say fresh eggs taste different than store bought, and I am wondering if part of it is age. Most of the time we eat our eggs within a couple of days. I'm wondering if I leave them in for a week if the taste will go away? Any ideas?

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