Stupid, Mean Rooster! How Do I Stop This Overbreeding?

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Mar 12, 2020
Northern Maine
I have this meat chicken and he overbreeds his hens. Two of them got slashes and I can't do anything. My dad refuses to bring to the slaughterhouse and refuses to allow them to get killed. For real though, they are over one years old! :rant (What I dream of -> Me ->:smack<-Dad)
What do I do to prevent the roo from mating with the hens or at least preventing his claws from slashing into the hen when he slides off? I can't put them in a different area, I can't kill him, and I can't fix him. Can I put something on his legs to slow his speed, allowing the hens to run away? Tie his tail into a certain position to prevent him doing "the kiss" and thus discouraging him to breed? Punish him everytime he mates? (<- that one is kinda crazy) Lock him out of the coop for a bit, and then letting him in at night? What do I do? I can't bear the hens getting worse. I also spray their wounds with animal friendly, sting free disinfectant but it can't solve everything. I also put aprons on the hen, but he would tug them off and jump onto them. I need help!
Pen him separately. He can be in view of the flock, or even penned within the run. If you want chicks, he only needs to fertilize them every couple of weeks or so.
Get some wire and make him a wire cage to keep him by himself. If you can contain him separate then your fighting a loosing battle.
Tell your Dad a predator must have gotten him and make him disappear. Technically you won't be fibbing. 🤭
Can't do that either, sorry. I go the wire, but I got no area to safely place him, and anyway, he would scream like heck, notifying my dad that he is alive.
Maybe buy them some aprons and help them when roosters mount them. Or get more hens.
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