Stupid people anyway! HELP!

I am so sorry for your loss! I know I would be loaded with lead and searching! I can't believe the nerve of some people. Have you sold any to anyone recently, that might know the quality of your chickens and want more for free? I certainly hope if you don't get some closure Karma comes back to bit them in the a$$!
in my experience with thieves...I have caught plenty....from stolen dogs to lawn mowers to cars to tires......

Knock on every door. tell all of your neighbors of the problem. the biggest tool neighbors will be your friends. no one who owns stuff likes a thief .

I got a pug back from a cop who stole it after I knocked on her fathers door twice then my sister came out and accused his daughter of stealing it. We had no idea it was this girl.

Fishing is part of the game. Walk around on other people property and look. Be ballsy. Do it at odd times. Early morning when they would be feeding the birds or mid day when people are at work.

The snap on tool was definitely not stolen. if the person was a thief, they would have sold it at the pawn shop for a quick few bucks and not kept the liability of evidence. They overlooked the tool when leaving with the loot.

next get cameras. A 4 camera setup is roughly $500 with the cameras for a decent one that you can view with a smart phone from anywhere (if the property has internet). I caught a guy stealing a telephone pole on a college van in the middle of the day. I e-mailed the photo to the president of the college and the pole was returned with $100 gift card from Outback. Do not hang the cameras up in the air where people can see them and they only show your head. place them on the ground in areas that are difficult to get to. A close up is hard to dispute or a car with the license plate and the face of the driver. They do make LED's that are not visible to the eye at night, so pay the extra $25 for one or two of those cameras.

if you ever need a few guinea hens I can help. Other than that, my silkies are always getting plucked by hawks
yes I have video evidence of the attacks.
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I had 4 of 5 chickens disappear one night while I was out of town. The only one left was a rooster with a toe defect. I'm not certain, but I doubt a predator could have climbed a fence and picked out my 4 best birds (full grown LF) overnight without a trace, especially since I didn't have predator problems before and the less valuable rooster (my pet) was not only left but is still here. My birds are long gone but I'm subscribed in the hopes yours aren't!
Were there any tire tracks or footprints around the coop? I imagine your run was locked otherwise they would not have needed to cut into the fence.

I think the cutter was stolen and that's why they left it behind. If you trace it back to someone that will throw you farther off the trail.

These thieves were good I doubt they were kids looking for a few quick bucks. I wouldn't put up alerts on craiglist that will scare them off.

Out here some punks were stealing out of unlocked garages- bikes, golf clubs etc. The people kept watch on craiglist and their items did show up, they made an appointment to come and buy and the cops came with them.Turned out it was neighbor kids who knew just which homes had unlocked garages or nobody home during the day.

Sorry it has taken so long y'all, I have been busy.

Last night about 2:30am I was waken by my blue heeler barking. I got up and looked out my bedroom window that faces the barn to find two men trying to open the barn door and another on my tractor. I called my neighbor, Jack, and we hatched a plan, and we knew we had to work fast. Then I called the sheriff, gave him the rundown, and told him he 'better get here before I bury 'em'.

So, about a minute later Jack showed up (if you cut through the corn field its about 500 yards to Jack's. Jack had his .357 and I had already grabbed my Remington 870 Marine Mag and .45 Colt SAA. We snuck through the corn field to where it comes within about 10 feet of the barn. The one guy was siphonin Diesel from the tractor, and the other two were attempting to put piglets into a large crate on the back of a 4 wheeler. As we stepped out of the corn field into the light over the barn, I pumped a round and fired a warning shot into the hay stack. Jack shouted 'I doubt the next one'll be a warnin'. The three men just stood there as I said 'move, flinch, blink or breath funny and I'mma blast ya. Don't think I won't! Y'all got the (expletive) guts to come on my property in the middle of the night! Y'all are pretty darn brazen if ya ask me. I done and called the sheriff, and way I reckon ought'a take 'round about 10 minutes to get from the station to here. Figure y'all got about 2 minutes before the sheriff and a couple of deputies come pulling down the driveway. Way I figure, y'all SOL. Now I know y'all probably the yellow-belly snakes done stole my flock of chickens. So, y'all can start talkin' maybe make things a little easier on y'all, or you can keep your filthy piehole shut and see how far that gets ya."

The guy on the tractor said 'I didn't steal no chickens, but I know who did.'

'BS', Jack shouted.

'No really, the guy live in Abilene' The guy on the tractor said, while the other two talked in spanish.

About that time I saw the lights of the sheriff and deputies' vehicles. The sheriff pulled up to the barn, followed by two deputy vehicles. The three men stool there with their hands in the air as Jack and I lowered our guns. The sheriff had his sidearm trained on the one as the deputies cuffed and arrested the other two. Then the deputies arrested the other guy and placed him in the back of the sheriff vehicle. The deputies started questioning the first two as Jack and I told the sheriff what had happened. We gave a statement individually to the deputies after they questioned the thieves as well. After the police left, Jack returned home and I went back to bed.

This morning I took Jack and his wife out to breakfast for helping me out. Nice to have neighbors like that.

I also just talked to the sheriff and he said that Abilene police have a good lead on where my chickens are. He said that they plan to serve a warrant this afternoon and if all goes according to plan and they DO find my chickens, that they could have my chickens back by Sunday afternoon.
I don't know if this will be of any help but, like others have said, these people knew what they were stealing.And they also knew you weren't home. Whether they thought you were just at work or something, as no vehicles were there, or they actually knew about the vacation. I'm sure they wouldn't eat them, but instead sell them, as the economy is down the toilet, and those birds could bring in some extra bucks. I doubt they thought they were abandoned either, because they wouldn't of left the two behind.

I would set up game camera's, ask all your neighbors repeatedly (especially ones who have all the high end knick-knacks) , telling them there are thieves in your area, looking for belongings and money. I would check all selling places in your area , and maybe nearby towns as well, but I don't suggest putting up ads, as that will inform them that your looking on those places. as others have stated, look for any more evidence, tire tracks, foot prints, DNA.

Hope you find these people, and get your birds back. Good luck!

EDITED TO ADD: oops i didn't see your post, happy that you have a lead now! Hope you find your chickens soon! and that those jerks and these ones both get heavy fines/time!
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