Stupid people anyway! HELP!

Citron_d'uccle :


Sorry it has taken so long y'all, I have been busy.

Last night about 2:30am I was waken by my blue heeler barking. I got up and looked out my bedroom window that faces the barn to find two men trying to open the barn door and another on my tractor. I called my neighbor, Jack, and we hatched a plan, and we knew we had to work fast. Then I called the sheriff, gave him the rundown, and told him he 'better get here before I bury 'em'.

So, about a minute later Jack showed up (if you cut through the corn field its about 500 yards to Jack's. Jack had his .357 and I had already grabbed my Remington 870 Marine Mag and .45 Colt SAA. We snuck through the corn field to where it comes within about 10 feet of the barn. The one guy was siphonin Diesel from the tractor, and the other two were attempting to put piglets into a large crate on the back of a 4 wheeler. As we stepped out of the corn field into the light over the barn, I pumped a round and fired a warning shot into the hay stack. Jack shouted 'I doubt the next one'll be a warnin'. The three men just stood there as I said 'move, flinch, blink or breath funny and I'mma blast ya. Don't think I won't! Y'all got the (expletive) guts to come on my property in the middle of the night! Y'all are pretty darn brazen if ya ask me. I done and called the sheriff, and way I reckon ought'a take 'round about 10 minutes to get from the station to here. Figure y'all got about 2 minutes before the sheriff and a couple of deputies come pulling down the driveway. Way I figure, y'all SOL. Now I know y'all probably the yellow-belly snakes done stole my flock of chickens. So, y'all can start talkin' maybe make things a little easier on y'all, or you can keep your filthy piehole shut and see how far that gets ya."

The guy on the tractor said 'I didn't steal no chickens, but I know who did.'

'BS', Jack shouted.

'No really, the guy live in Abilene' The guy on the tractor said, while the other two talked in spanish.

About that time I saw the lights of the sheriff and deputies' vehicles. The sheriff pulled up to the barn, followed by two deputy vehicles. The three men stool there with their hands in the air as Jack and I lowered our guns. The sheriff had his sidearm trained on the one as the deputies cuffed and arrested the other two. Then the deputies arrested the other guy and placed him in the back of the sheriff vehicle. The deputies started questioning the first two as Jack and I told the sheriff what had happened. We gave a statement individually to the deputies after they questioned the thieves as well. After the police left, Jack returned home and I went back to bed.

This morning I took Jack and his wife out to breakfast for helping me out. Nice to have neighbors like that.

I also just talked to the sheriff and he said that Abilene police have a good lead on where my chickens are. He said that they plan to serve a warrant this afternoon and if all goes according to plan and they DO find my chickens, that they could have my chickens back by Sunday afternoon.

So glad you are OK and that maybe you will get the chickens back.What a great job you and your neighbor did.What fools go back to a house that was just robbed???
Wow!!!! What an amazing story!! I'm so glad you caught those sorry SOB's.

Please update us soon saying you got your flock back home safe and sound.
Im so glad! Your neighbors deserve a pat on the back. Not many people would get out of bed and help someone now a days.
I really hope you find your birds and they are healthy!
Please keep us updated..
oh my goodness! that is quite an update! i was so worried there wouldn't be a resolve to this, and then to read this update, I'm just so thrilllled!
what a wonderful neighbor you have. so nice to see folks helping other folks. y'all have a story to tell people, that's for sure!

I'm excited about your chickens being found!! They will be very happy to be home, I am sure. Keep us posted!!

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