Stupid people anyway! HELP!

im not sure about this story either. all that yeller belly filty piehole y'all done stole stuff sounds a little hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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I also want an update!
This is the second big thread I've been sucked into tonight, crap I had laundry I was supposed to be doing! I hope you get your birds back!

Based on other posts by this member I'm inclined to believe him. A little internet searching also makes me believe his is not doing this for kicks, unless he's gone out of his way to create other accounts on other web forums and social networking sites using some of the same information found on his profile here. That seems like a lot of work and planning to deceive a few people on a back yard chicken forum!
I went and looked at other threads from the OP and there's nothing to indicate this story is bogus. Seems like a poultry enthusiast just like the rest of us who had some idiots steal his chickens and came here to tell us what happened because we might be able to understand how upsetting it would be. Sometimes it's best to go a little "yee-haw" on someone brazen enough to trespass on your property and steal your stuff. I would want my thieves (if I had any) to think I was kuntry enough to come out shootin'.
I'm looking forward to the safe return of those chickens!

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