Stupid question.

Quote: We have no insurance policy for my wife. If she croaks, she's going in a hole. If I croak she gets a quarter mil.
She has probably saved my life at least twice. Once when I choked on some horsepill sized vitamins she suggested I take, another time when I started choking while driving and just about passed out while driving at 70 mph.

I'm about to go pluck that chicken, or should I just wait for a molt?
We have no insurance policy for my wife. If she croaks, she's going in a hole. If I croak she gets a quarter mil.
She has probably saved my life at least twice. Once when I choked on some horsepill sized vitamins she suggested I take, another time when I started choking while driving and just about passed out while driving at 70 mph.

I'm about to go pluck that chicken, or should I just wait for a molt?

If u wait till molt she will be in low production mode!!

Have u found it funny u have never had to save her?
Well I got my rexall family barber clippers out, and shaved me a chicken. I had thought I found a nipple. I pinched it, rolled it between my fingers, and gave it a firm squeeze, but I think it only turned out to be a zit or a pimple or something. It was pretty gross.

How long before the feathers grow back? I think I need to find me a chicken parka for her now.
I found chicken milk!

I need to take this to my grocer and ask him to order it. The pig butter sounds interesting too.
I need to take this to my grocer and ask him to order it. The pig butter sounds interesting too.

Beings pig "parts" are used in humans, Insulin, heart valves and so forth. If my DIL is not around and a grandbaby needs feeding, can I just hook them on a sows (nipple) belly?

How long do I let them nurse?

BBQ,,, I am thinking she has a hidden agenda for saving your life...
If they see a certain group of names all posting on the same thread, they usually try to avoid us!  :lau
so that's why I haven't received any refractions? Makes sence now.

I haven't checked the dairy aisle lately but I would think it would be rather expensive. Almost as rare as hen's teeth.

To collect it, I think you have to put them in a little harness to get them to stay on the milking platform. And then find a teeny, tiny bucket. And don't forget to keep the stray cats away!
I use a thimble for a bucket.

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