Stupid question.

I think you should ask duluthrphie. He probably knows.

I do... I think it is best you stop nursing them before the baby teeth come in...

But let me refer you to this post.. She is an expert on chick nursing..

Holm cover your eyes-- and Ralphie I guarantee that nobody else is spoiling your roosters like I am.. So I am trying to get ready this morning and Roostie is just chirping his little heart out and trying to snuggle with James but James is to busy bouncing around so I pick Roostie up and he stops chirping I put him down and he starts back up again. Well I need to get breakfast going and dishes done grandkids will be waking up soon. So I put him on my chest and he snuggled himself in my cleavage,, so I figure ok if he is happy I can get stuff done. So after a bit I tried dipping his beak to get him to drink something and he wasn't happy, so back in the boobs he went.. So I was doing dishes and I took some water and put a couple drops on my skin by his face and he drank it.. ohh Lord I have a breast feeding chicken.. Hope this post wasn't inappropriate if it is it can be deleted because I don't need another warning...
How is it an important thread like this has slipped under my radar for 3 days and I never even knew it was here?

This is one of those threads I should be involved with from the start!

Blooie sorry about stealing your answer, I posted mine before I read yours...

BUT now that you will read this,, what type of heating pad do I need to make one of your chicky igloos?

I am too lazy to try and find the answer where I should....

NorthFl... When I prepare a cat that lives as a vegetarian for sunday dinner, do I have to fix it differently than a regular cat? Does it affect the meat taste and quality?

Do I have to roast the cat longer?
How is it an important thread like this has slipped under my radar for 3 days and I never even knew it was here?

This is one of those threads I should be involved with from the start!

Blooie sorry about stealing your answer, I posted mine before I read yours...

BUT now that you will read this,, what type of heating pad do I need to make one of your chicky igloos?

I am too lazy to try and find the answer where I should....

NorthFl... When I prepare a cat that lives as a vegetarian for sunday dinner, do I have to fix it differently than a regular cat? Does it affect the meat taste and quality?

Do I have to roast the cat longer?

Vegetarian cats are only ever stuffed with tofu. No meat stuffing allowed. And I'd recommend a crock pot so you don't have to worry about a tough tom.
I was out this morning once again checking my chicken's breasts, and still no nipples have developed. I'm afraid if they start hatching out chicks at some point they will all starve.
And as to Ralphie's posts, I understand heavy drinking in MN winters. That's about all there is to do, except maybe riding your nicely heated snow mobile. Are you familiar with snowshoe grog?
If you see Ollie and Lena, say hi for me!
Also feel free to stuff your cat with anything you want, it really doesn't matter, he'll be dead anyways.

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